11 Photos That Turned Out to Be Fakes after Going Viral

    11 Photos That Turned Out to Be Fakes after Going Viral

    2:07 PM EDT, October 4, 2022, updated: 8:52 AM EDT, October 5, 2022

    From time to time some images go viral in social media and after some time (usually when nobody even remembers them) they turn out to be fakes.

    Today we have got a bunch of photos like that.

    #1 The famous beginning

    Yurias134 /pikabu
    Yurias134 /pikabu

    This photo was said to show the famous roaring lion from Metro Goldwyn Mayer. Wildlife activists were outraged with such treatment of a wild animal. Luckily it was nothing but a fake. In fact the photo shows a lion which was just about to be have a magnetic resonance examination.


    #2 A cruise ship dropping the waste into the sea

    Sojna Amem/fb
    Sojna Amem/fb

    A caption under the photo said that it was a Uruguay cruiser dumping the waste directly into the sea. The image went viral and as a result the Uruguay’s minister of environmental issues had to explain that in fact this cruiser was launching its engines to drop the anchor. The brown stains were only the sand from the sea bed.

    #3 'This is what has happened to rainforest within 10 years.'


    The photo looks credible, especially due to the logo in the bottom right corner. But in fact its not a collage of two photos taken 10 years apart. It's a single photo showing Malaysia where rainforest was cut down to increase the area of palm plantations.

    #4 A lynx and a dear running away from the forest fires in California


    This photo is real but it is often accompanied with a false caption. The photo was actually taken inside a building belonging to an organization helping animals. After the fire of local forests the rescue team had no space to give shelter to the rescued animals.

    #5 A graffiti you can only see on water


    This graffiti is real and the building can be found in Marijampole in Lithuania. The only thing is that it has been airbrushed a lot. When you are there you can only see the image when the surface of the lake is completely smooth. With just a gentle breeze this is what the graffiti looks like:


    #6 Yet another day in Russia


    For some time the photo was believed to show a real white bear getting off a bus somewhere in Russia. Believe it or not, but the photo is absolutely real! The only thing is that was made in the Czech Republic and has not been airbrushed at all. The thing is that it does not show a real bear. It's a costume worn by two Greenpeace activists. The 'bear' was a part of the 'Save the Arctic' campaign. It roamed the streets of some European cities to make people think about the problems of the Arctic.

    #7 A man frying rice


    Did you really think the photographer managed to capture the moment? In fact the rice is fake. It's a sculpture you can buy in a shop in Tokyo selling fake foods.


    #8 A megalodon's tooth stuck in a whale's bone


    This photo shows fossils that look like a megalodon's tooth and a whale's bone. The thing is that they were found in two different places at different time. It's just somebody decided to put them together.

    #9 A goose stuck to ice-cold pipe heats a puppy with its wing

    Suzanne PadaPetra/fb
    Suzanne PadaPetra/fb

    At the end of January thousands of people liked and shared the photo of a shaking goose which got stuck to a freezing cold pipe and yet managed to keep a puppy warm with its wings. They were alleged to have been found somewhere in USA. Although the photo seems to be genuine, in fact it was taken a long time ago and it is rather unlikely it was taken in USA. To make matters worse, the whole story is very likely to be a fake. The image has been online since at least 2017.

    #10 New Year in Paris


    This popular photos shows hundreds of fireworks over Paris on New Year's Eve. Unfortunately, it's a fake. First of all, fireworks are shot from the Eiffel Tower. Secondly, all fireworks are in the same distance from the camera. Finally, people who live in Paris say that the sky over their city never looked like that at that particular night.

    #11 A photograph of a tourist a moment before the WTC disaster on 11 September 2001


    For many years the image was believed to have been taken on that particular day. In fact it is a joke by a Hungarian tourist who did visit the towers but many years before the tragedy. He only pasted the plane onto the image and shared it with his friend. Nobody knows how the photos went viral afterwards but the truth is that a lot of people thought them to be genuine.

    Have you ever been fallen for such fake images?

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