Which Plant Will Be Watered First? 80% Of People Come Up with a Wrong Answer!
3:09 PM EDT, March 29, 2022
There are millions of riddles and quizzes online and sometimes you have to really rack your brain to get the right answer. The questions are sometimes so challenging that few manage to face up to it. The example we have got below is by all means one of the hardest ones. It quickly became a nightmare of hundreds of internet users. Will you be one of them?
The 'water riddle' is not as easy as it seems at first glance. What is it about? The drawing shows a watering can and a network of pipes taking water to four potted plants.
Which plant will be watered first?
You'd better be careful as the answer is not as easy as it looks. The length of pipes is not necessarily the main condition ensuring the fastest watering.
Do you know the answer yet?
If you don't, the answer can be found below.
This is the correct answer:
In the first tank where the water gets into, the pipe is fixed on the right slightly below the left pipe. That means water will first get there. The same principle applies to the tank on the right side and that is why the plant no.3 will be watered first.