What’s the Best Shower Time? In the Morning or in the Evening? To Choose the Correct Option There Is One Thing We Must Not Ignore


    7:10 PM EDT, April 26, 2022

    Many of us ask themselves a question as to whether showers should be taken in the morning or in the evening. And so do a number of experts trying to address the issue. What is the correct answer?

    What’s the right time to take a shower?

    As for now, the opponents of evening showers seem to be prevailing. Still, they also emphasize the fact that it all boils down to the circumstances. Most importantly, showers should never be hot, they should not last too long (up to ten minutes or even shorter) and almost all of them point out that showers are much better than baths. As for the timing, the advantages and disadvantages of both morning and evening showers are listed below.


    Who is the morning shower for?

    It is recommended to anyone who wants to wake up for good and want their bodies to be prepared for what is ahead of them in the first hours of the new day. Such shower should be cold and short so that our blood circulation will be stimulated and generally our bodies work better. A morning shower is also a good option for people with greasy hair and a tendency to sweat at night as washing hair just before going to bed is not very effective. The problem of excessive sweating calls for no explanation at all.


    Who is the evening shower for?

    Evening showers are particularly recommended for people who find it difficult to fall asleep and want to make it easier for their bodies to switch off for the night. According to experts, in such case a shower needs to be taken 1 – 2 hours before going to bed. According to research, evening showers reduce the time of falling asleep by 10 minutes on average. Moreover, evening showers are also recommended for people with dry skin and staining. Such showers may prevent appearing of new imperfections and they are also reported to prevent excessive sweating at day, also in case of people with allergies during the toughest periods of the year when.



    Hot or cold? The water temperature has substantial influence on our health. While hot showers are not recommended, warm ones definitely are.

    Warm showers relax us, warm us and stimulate brains making it easier for us to fall asleep.


    Cold showers lower stress levels, relieves pain, reduce swellings and improve blood circulation.

    Do you take showers in the morning or in the evening?