7 Experienced Gardener's Tips for Using Vinegar In Your Garden

    7 Experienced Gardener's Tips for Using Vinegar In Your Garden

    1:52 AM EDT, July 19, 2023, updated: 6:28 PM EDT, July 19, 2023

    Fully organic gardening is possible. To control pests and weeds you do not need to use chemicals. You only need the well-known spirit vinegar.

    #1 Will Remove Weeds

    To win the battle against weeds, all you need to do is prepare a simple solution. Mix two liters of vinegar with one liter of water. Pour the whole into a bottle with an atomizer and spray the weeds and the soil surface (where the plants you want to get rid of grow). In the case of weeds growing between concrete slabs or paving stones, first make sure that the vinegar does not damage the paving material.


    #2 Control Pests

    A natural vinegar spray will make aphids and spider mites a thing of the past. Mix one liter of vinegar with ten liters of water. You can add a bit of grey soap to the mixture (so that it does not run off the surface of the leaves). Do not spray young plants or seedlings with this solution as the vinegar may damage them. However, you can soak a cloth and wipe the leaves to get rid of scale insects and scale insects.


    #3 It Will Scare Away Ants and Cats

    Cats and ants do not tolerate the smell of vinegar. Therefore, you can use it to treat the edges of flower pots, the edges of sandboxes where children play or any other place where pets have taken a liking to. Putting vinegar on a piece of wall or other nooks and crannies will also keep ants away.


    #4 Soil Leaven

    There are plants that love acidic soil. With the help of vinegar, you will give heathers, blueberries, azaleas or rhododendrons the right place to grow. To acidify the soil make a mixture of one liter of vinegar and eight liters of water. Then water the soil generously and check the pH every few days (repeat the procedure if necessary). The plants can only be planted 3-4 weeks after the last application of the vinegar mixture.


    #5 Will Stimulate Plant Growth

    Azaleas, hydrangeas, rhododendrons and gardenias are particular fans of vinegar. So that they grow lush and are not attacked by pests, prepare a vinegar concoction. Mix together one glass of vinegar and three liters of water. Spray the solution on the plants in your garden.


    #6 Fights Fungal Diseases

    If you notice the first signs of fungal diseases on your plants, reach for the vinegar right away. Pour two teaspoons of the substance into chamomile tea. Such a preparation should be sprayed on the infected leaves.


    #7 Keeps Slugs and Snails Away

    The voracious mollusks can wreak havoc in your garden. To encourage them to leave soon, prepare a solution of beer and vinegar (1:1). Pour the mixture into flat containers and place them in the places that slugs and snails like. The pests will leave quite quickly.


    What do you most often use spirit vinegar for?

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