25 Vacuum Cleaners and Robot Mops Running Free. See What They Can Be up to Once They Are Unleashed!
4:05 PM EST, December 16, 2021, updated: 6:34 PM EST, December 16, 2021
Household chores are hard by definition. Especially when we have to struggle with a variety of appliances. Some of the most malicious ones are definitely hoovers and robot mops. They will always rebel against their owners refusing to obey the orders. Just take a look at what happens when technology gets out of control and appliances declare a war on their masters.
#1 Never lock your pet and the robot mop in one room
#2 If you leave the door open, your robot mop will not hesitate to dive into the pool
#3 A highly dangerous combination of a cat, a robot mop and white paint
#4 These creatures know no mercy
#5 Somehow toys and robot mops just don’t get on
#6 Some of them have some suicidal tendencies
#7 Roomba – dogs’ true nightmare
#8 When your hoover seems to have lost its power, why don’t you take a look inside…
#9 House cleaning taken one step too far
#10 This one has hidden to take a nap
#11 This one has wrapped itself in toilet paper and decided to kill itself
#12 Some of them have serious alcohol problems
#13 Others are clearly talented in the field of interior design
#14 A trail left by Roomba swallowing a piece of chalk
#15 ‘First pick up the dog’s poo. Then distribute it all over the kitchen.’
#16 Roomba kidnapping a towel and hiding under a cabinet
#17 Another life lost at the hands of the cruel machine
#18 Never fall asleep on the floor when the robot is on
#19 This is what happens when your dog realizes the danger
#20 Another example of a robot mop trying to break free
#21 Toilet paper is so nice and warm…
#22 No man-made device can face up to the challenge of this hair
#23 Always adjust the sucking power to hoover the keyboard
#24 A robot mop party going wild
#25 They don’t really mind dogs’ excrements…
BONUS IMAGE A hoover in front of a five-star hotel cleaning the sidewalk
Does your hoover or robot mop also rebel against you from time to time?