Foresters Have New Tricks to Keep You Save from Tick Bites!

    No one needs to be convinced that those who deal with forests on a daily basis know the most about ticks and also know how best to deal with them in practice. This method is really worth trying!

    Foresters Have New Tricks to Keep You Save from Tick Bites!

    A trivially simple and effective way used by foresters to handle ticks

    A forester from Poland, Krzysztof Bisaga, came up with a surprising yet highly effective way of removing ticks from clothing. He removes ticks from clothes with the help of... a clothes roller. According to foresters, no fancy devices work better in this case!

    Karkonoski Park Narodowy/facebook
    Karkonoski Park Narodowy/facebook

    ‘Would you notice the ticks? My son had 7 on him! To the unsuspecting eye they simply look like specks of dirt or freckles!’

    Christal Turner / fb
    Christal Turner / fb

    Tansy spray

    To prepare a tick spray based on it, you can use 1 cup of fresh leaves of tansy or 1/3 cup of dried leaves. After placing the leaves in a 2-liter heatproof container with a lid, boil 1 liter of water in a tea kettle. When the water in the kettle is ready, remove it from the stove and pour the boiling water over the herb. After covering the container with a lid, let the decoction cool completely. Very important: do not try to drink tea made from tansy as the herb is considered somewhat toxic!


    To strain the tick spray we have prepared, line a strainer or colander with a coffee filter and pour the herbs through the liner into another container. Remove all plant debris from the liquid to avoid clogging the spray. After straining all the herb leaves, pour the decoction into our 1 liter spray bottle. The spray can be sprayed on the skin of the body before going out for a walk, but beforehand it is worth checking whether the spray will not make us develop allergic reactions. The liquid prepared will protect us not only from ticks, but also from mosquitoes.

    Cedar oil spray


    Cedar oil is a non-toxic, natural tick and insect repellent. It can be sprayed directly on clothing and skin. It is safe for use on humans and pets. Cedar oil not only repels ticks and other irritating insects, but also kills them. It can be purchased ready-made in a spray on the Internet and in most pet stores.

    Eucalyptus oil


    Eucalyptus oil is known to be an effective tick repellent and tick killer. Simply mix up 100 ml of purified or distilled water with 20 drops of eucalyptus oil in a small spray bottle. Shake before use and spray on skin, pant cuffs and shoes. Eucalyptus oil is safe for use on dogs (diluted with water before using).

    Garlic smell repels ticks


    If you don't mind the smell of garlic, an effective (though not pleasant for everyone) solution may be to eat at least 1 clove of garlic - this will change the smell our skin will give off.

    And, of course, when you get back from a park or a forest, don’t forget to clean your clothes using the foresters’ trick.