Sprinkle the Soil Around the Heather With This. It'll Grow Beautifully and Will Not Lose The Flowers

    Sprinkle the Soil Around the Heather With This. It'll Grow Beautifully and Will Not Lose The Flowers

    4:15 PM EDT, September 12, 2022


    • prevents water from being washed away during rains,
    • protects against the spread of weeds,
    • prevents rapid drying of the soil and evaporation of moisture,
    • acts as a light fertilizer and enriches the soil with nutrients,
    • prevents the spread of fungal diseases,
    • takes care of maintaining the proper pH of the soil,
    • ensures good ventilation.
    How to mulch heather, photo-Unsplash
    How to mulch heather, photo-Unsplash

    After bringing the heather home, put it in the ground or immediately transplant it to another pot. It is important to provide them with the right soil. A peaty, humus and acidic soil is suitable for them. Moreover, it should have a pH between 3.5 and 5. In addition, you need to know that heathers like sunny places, but sheltered from the wind.

    #What to Mulch Heather With?

    An extremely important thing, when caring for heather, is mulch. It should be spread on top of the soil. The best mulch for heather will be made of pine trees (this can be waste material from conifers from your own garden), sawdust and composted bark (pine bark is most often used).

    If you want to give the heather composition a forest character, then add some cones to the mulch. However, do not replace all the mulch with cones only, as they will not provide the soil with proper insulation.

    How to mulch heather, photo-Unsplash
    How to mulch heather, photo-Unsplash

    #Where Is the Best Time to Plant Heather?

    Moreover, the best time to plant heather is from mid-September to mid-October, as well as March and April. These plants love the sun. If left in the shade, they fall ill and have trouble flowering. Therefore, the best position for heather will be the south, southwest or southeast side of the garden.

    #How to Water Heather in Pots?

    Heather can also be grown in pots. The soil should be constantly moist in them. You should not let the heather overflow, because they do not like standing water. You also need to make sure that the soil does not dry out completely.

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