21 Examples Proving That Some Men Never Grow Up
5:15 PM EDT, May 3, 2023, updated: 6:31 PM EDT, May 3, 2023
According to scientific research and surveys, men reach their full intellectual potential in their 40's. Still, many people claim that this is far-fetched. There are some who go as far as to claim that in fact men never really grow up.
And these are some of their arguments:
#1 A pile of chips on baby's head. That's a hell of a challenge, isn't it? Could you build one?
#2 When the man works for Amazon, don't be surprised to see things like these at home
#3 'My brother has always been dreaming of snorkeling with turtles...'
#4 'My husband going shopping with our son.'
#5 'A man I spotted making soap bubbles at a railway station. When he notices me, he whispered “Nobody even suspects adults of doing such things.'
#7 'One of my best friends got married yesterday. His friend was his best man.'
#8 'My dad thought he was alone at home. I had to go downstairs to see what made him laugh so loud.'
#9 'With a baby son playing games is barely possible. That is why I decided to fence myself off.'
#10 'My boyfriend bought a labeler today.'
#11 'My boyfriend loves hiding my face behind a variety of masks.'
#12 'This is how my 32-year-old husband is having a good time in the pool. By the way, we have no children
#13 Men don't grow up. They only change bottles
#15 When you ask your husband to do the shopping and there is a sales in the ice-cream department
#16 'My dad's friend visiting Boston'
#17 ‘My husband caught red-handed. I thought he was doing exercise.’
#18 Some people never grow up
#19 And what do you expect when you marry a man-child?
#20 ‘I was so close to believe that my boyfriend is mature.’
#21 'When I heard my husband order the dog to stay in the kitchen, I walked in there and that's what I saw.'
You can have some good time with them, but you also need to look after them all life long...