The Smell That Scares Off the Flies. You’ll Finally Get Rid of Them

    There is one smell that flies hate so much that they will not want to visit your home once and for all. At the same time, it is very pleasant to the smell of most people. We're talking about the main ingredient in a popular cake additive.

    The Smell That Scares Off the Flies. You’ll Finally Get Rid of Them

    How to Get Rid of Flies From the House? The Smell That Flies Hate, and People Find One of the More Pleasant Ones


    A plant that scares flies is the old reliable vanilla. It's not entirely clear why it works so well on them, but many people consider it the most effective method of getting rid of flies from the house once and for all. To make vanilla work you can apply it in any form. Many people simply rely on air fresheners with this scent, or they use vanilla cake oils, as they are the most available and very familiar to them.

    Make Your Own Insect Repellent Using Vanilla Extract.


    If you have the desire and time, you can prepare your own repellent to repel flies and other insects based on vanilla. We give below how to prepare it step by step:

    To prepare it, you will first of all need pure vanilla extract. You can buy it online or in a health food store. In both cases, make sure that it is pure vanilla extract without additives such as sugar or alcohol. Sugar will attract insects, not repel them.

    Then add about 1 tablespoon of pure vanilla extract to an empty spray bottle and mix with water (don't overdo it - vanilla can't be too diluted or it won't work).

    Another Scents That Flies Hate

    Optionally, you can also add other natural insect repellents. Peppermint oil, citronella oil and lemongrass oil work well. Once you have prepared your mixture, spray the remedy where you need it. You can even spray it on yourself, applying it to your wrists and ankles to deter pests when you go outside. Vanilla extract is an excellent insect repellent because it can be safely applied to the skin without causing irritation. It also does not damage any household surfaces.