15 Reliable Hints for Drivers. They Really Work!
10:07 AM EST, January 16, 2022, updated: 6:39 PM EST, January 22, 2022
Cars make our lives so much easier. But being a driver is not that easy at all. There are plenty of things you have got to remember. However, there is a way to save some of your time. All you need is just a pinch of creativity. Just follow our advice and enjoy your driving!
#1 Make use of muffin cases
There is a way to save time you spend cleaning the coffee holder. Just put two muffin cases inside so that all the dust and dirt accumulates on them.
#2 Use a silicone wiper
The pets travelling on the back seat leave lots of fur there. You can easily remove it with either a dedicated sticky roller or a silicone wiper normally used to wipe the water off the glass shower cabin.
#3 Don’t forget your head
Have you ever found it hard to spot your car on the parking lot? There is an easy trick to handle this. Put the key on your head and press the button opening the door. The car will respond. This is so because our brain is 80% water. Electromagnetic waves makes the water particles vibrate and as a result your head becomes a kind of a transmitter increasing the range of the remote car key.
#4 Hints for drivers – oil reinvented
If you want the inside of your car look brand new again, make friends with oil. Apply some on a cloth and polish he matt surfaces. Never do it with the steering wheel as it might be slippery.
#5 Smart parking
Frozen windshield is the winter nightmare of all drivers. If you want to avoid the morning scratching, park your car with the windscreen facing the east. The morning sun will melt at least some of the snow and ice.
#6 DIY air refresher
You can make your own air refresher. All you need to do is to put some wax in a cup or another container of this size. When exposed to heat, the wax will give off the pleasant fragrance.
#7 Nail polish for cracks
If you notice minor cracks on the windscreen and you are not able to go to a garage to get it fixed, apply some transparent nail polish. This will prevent the crack from expanding.
#8 Washing-up liquid good for anything
You can clean the windows and the windshield with a common washing up liquid as it quickly removes greasy stains, fingerprints, birds excrements and other dirt. It is much more effective and cheaper than window cleaners.
#9 Roller blind for the hottest days
On hot summer days a roller blind will give you a lot of comfort. It can be easily fixed and adheres well to the windows. Thanks to it the inside of the car won’t get so hot.
#10 Socks on the windscreen wipers
In the winter it’s not just the windows and the windscreen that get frosty. This problems concerns the wipers, too. To prevent it, use some old socks or tight to pull them onto the wipers. This will protect them against the frost and snow.
#11 Toilet plunger saving your car
A dent in your car can be removed with a toilet plunger. First boil some water in a kettle. Then pour it all over the dent. Grab a plunger and press it onto the body of the car. Pull rather gently. If necessary, repeat it a few times.
#12 Cola as anti-rust agent
Any kind of cola will work well to remove rust from metal elements. Just sprinkle it over the rusty surface and then remove the rust with a paintbrush or a toothbrush.
#13 Anti-bacterial liquid
In the winter most of us have some problems with car locks. This is where antibacterial liquids can work. Apply a few drops onto the key and try to open the door again.
#14 Toothpaste is not just for teeth
To polish the headlights you can use toothpaste. Apply some onto a cloth and polish them well. That’s it!
#15 A helpful arrow
We all have happened at least once to wonder, especially driving somebody else’s car, on which side the fuel inlet is. To avoid stressful situations at a gas station, just take a look at the fuel control. In most cars there is an arrow indicating the side from which you have to approach the gasoline pump.
Do you think any of the clues will be useful? Which one is your favorite? Let us know in your comment.