10 Smart Psychological Hacks That Will Help You Save a Fortune While You Are Shopping

    How to save money when you go shopping? Hopefully the advice we have got here for you will let you substantially reduce the amount spent!

    10 Smart Psychological Hacks That Will Help You Save a Fortune While You Are Shopping

    #1 Leave the card at home and take only as much cash as you actually need


    Are you going shopping and you know that it will costs you about $50? So take exactly 50$ in cash. There is no way you will spend more.

    #2 Keep only new banknotes and coins in your wallet


    We know it sounds stupid but believe us, it does work. According to research published in 2012 in Journal of Consumer Research, the condition of the cash we have got affects our buying decisions. We are more likely to spend banknotes that are worn-off and old. Those that have just been printed are more likely to be saved.

    #3 Give yourself a night to re-consider your decision

    We all know what it impulse-buying means – you see something and you want to have it here and now. However, putting off the decision can be a life saver. It gives us time to think about it and decide whether this is really something we need. If on the next day you believe this is a good decision, then just buy it!

    #4 Put on your high-heels


    According to the findings of research conducted in 2013 by scientists from the Brugham Young University, focusing on keeping the balance while wearing high-heels can have a positive effect on our buying choices. Similar effects are brought about by hefty meals or eating something sweet, for example ice-cream. This is when we feel less comfortable and as a result we concentrate only on things that we really need.

    #5 Avoid long discussions with the store personnel


    If you can see a salesperson walking towards you, remember you are being targeted. Just ask them about the things you need and once you get the necessary details thank them for their help. It is not only because of the marketing tricks the store assistants are trained to use, but it is also because of our internal drive to reward someone for taking care of us, for example by buying something in their store.

    #6 Switch on your music

    There are many elements that distract us while we are shopping. Appropriate music makes us fail to realize how much time lapses and we are more likely to relax. All the hum, overheard conversations or beeping of electronic devices makes us lose our concentration and eventually we are more likely to buy something we haven't been even thinking of. That is why your own earbuds with your own music is a good accessory – you separate yourself from the rest of the world and our mind works only according to our own will.

    #7 Never trust online reviews


    Unfortunately, most reviews are commissioned. They are highly biased and often refer to non-existing features of a product. If you look for some advice on an electronic gadget, you'd better look for a video-review on Youtube, remembering to rely on a few sources.

    #8 Take some mints or chewing-gum


    One of the marketing strategies is referred to as 'scent-marketing'. Using selected smells (fresh bread, vanilla, white tea or bamboo) stores stimulate us to buy things. Mints and chewing-gum are very effective when it comes to neutralizing the seductive smells.

    #9 Don't touch the items


    Other scientists have proven that touching a given object makes us more likely to buy it. In 2011 Lawrence Williams and Joshua Ackerman conducted research which confirmed that physical contact is a very important aspect of sales. This is particularly relevant in case of clothes.

    #10 Avoid free samples and check your closet before going shopping

    It is a very good idea to check first whether we really need a new T-shirt, blouse, jumper or pants. This will 'calm us down' once we are in the shopping mall and we won’t be that keen to look at such items. Moreover, it is strongly recommended that we should avoid free samples. In case of food they stimulate our appetite and we are bound to buy much more that we actually planned. Moreover, once again we will feel this need to buy something in return for 'the favor' we have just received.

    Do you find it easy to save money or is it rather impossible?