Pregnant Woman Arrive at the Labor Rooms With... A Comb. And They Are Not Planning to Do Their Hair with It!
5:18 PM EDT, May 12, 2022
Pregnant women sharing useful hints online often advise each other to bring a comb to the hospital to help them during labor. And they never mean combing their hair.
Natural methods
Most women are afraid of the labor pain. Some ladies go for epidural anesthesia. Others select natural ways of relieving labor pain. One of them is recommended by Jen Davel, an American doula.
Labor combs
The woman has years of experience of helping future mothers and supporting them during labor. They advise them to take a comb with them to the labor room. When the first cramps begin, they need to hold a comb with its teeth pointing just below where the fingers end. It works like acupuncture and makes the body forget for a moment about the pain.
Controlled grip
A number of mothers are satisfied with how the comb worked and admits that the gadget did help them to forget about the pain for some time. The size and kind of comb does not really seem to matter. It is important that the teeth point to the palm, not the finger tips