12 People Answers Questions Beginning With ‘What Will Happen if…’ Just Take a Look at the Responses!

    12 People Answers Questions Beginning With ‘What Will Happen if…’ Just Take a Look at the Responses!

    6:26 PM EDT, July 11, 2022, updated: 12:20 PM EDT, July 13, 2022

    We have all had to ask ourselves the question, usually in some rather bizarre circumstances, about what would happen if we did something. Some of us decide to go a step beyond merely theoretical deliberations and resort to purely empirical methods of research. Below you will find the results of the research conducted.

    #12 Having a bath in a hot spring at ambient temperature of - 40 degrees C

    Reddit/ youracat
    Reddit/ youracat

    #11 That’s what will happen if a bear gets into your car

    Reddit/ whiskythief209
    Reddit/ whiskythief209

    #10 Filling up the soap dispenser with a new brand of liquid soap

    Reddit/ G00Punch
    Reddit/ G00Punch

    #9 These M&Ms have spent a bit too long in the vending machine

    Reddit/ illdrawyourface
    Reddit/ illdrawyourface

    #8 The shovel on the right has been used to plant 90,000 trees

    Reddit/ AgrajagDaMadBat
    Reddit/ AgrajagDaMadBat

    #7 Inside a frozen coconut

    Reddit/ tw272727
    Reddit/ tw272727

    #6 This what happens to marble when you flame-heat it and then immerse in cold water

    Reddit/ unicornheabutt
    Reddit/ unicornheabutt

    #5 Some storms are powerful enough to divert roads

    Reddit/ Craigrets
    Reddit/ Craigrets

    #4 A root of a graveyard tree on a skull of dead person

    Reddit/ visk0n3
    Reddit/ visk0n3

    #3 Never leave vinyl records in the car. Especially in the summer


    #2 A perfectly polished coconut

    Reddit/ Roctopus420
    Reddit/ Roctopus420

    #1 A spot on the beach struck by a thunder

    Reddit/ xycryy_1
    Reddit/ xycryy_1