No-noodles zucchini lasagna

    No-noodles zucchini lasagna

    3:59 AM EDT, August 8, 2013, updated: 8:20 AM EST, November 18, 2013

    Prepare all the ingredients: zucchini, garlic, onion, tomatoes, parsley, minced meat

    Slice zucchini into thick slices. Don’t make them too thin because they will fall apart while grilling. The best way to slice zucchini is to use mandoline. If you don’t have one you can use vegetable grater as I did, or a sharp knife; however, it’s much harder to keep the equal size of slices.


    Add lightly salt and leave the slices aside for about 10 minutes. After that blot excess moisture with a paper towel.

    Heat the grill pan with a little bit of cooking oil and grill the slices about 1-2 minutes on each side. Leave aside on paper towel to soak.

    Chop the onion and garlic. Heat the medium sauce pan with 1 tbsp. cooking oil and saute garlic and onion, then add minced meat and brown it. Season with salt and black pepper. When meat is cooked, add chopped tomatoes and sugar (sugar makes tomatoes taste much better), basil and oregano. Cook on low heat until all water vaporised, the sauce should be quite thick. When the sauce is cooked add some chopped parsley.

    Spread a little bit of cooking oil on the bottom of casserole pan and layer the zucchini slices. Place half of the sauce on the top of zucchini, cover with another layer of zucchini, add the rest of the sauce, again layer with zucchini and top with mozzarella cheese. Cover in foil.

    Bake for about 30 min. in 180°C, then uncover and bake for another 10-15 minutes.

    Of course, there is no need to stick to the direct instructions. You can always make the sauce your own way and add your favourite ingredients. Next time I’m going to prepare vegetarian version of this meal. Let me know what would you add to your perfect zucchini lasagna.

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