A New Way to Overwinter Fuchsias, for Which You Don’t Need Any Space at Home
2:01 PM EST, November 15, 2021, updated: 4:04 PM EST, November 16, 2021
Fuchsias are exceptionally beautiful plants. They please the eyes with their flowers in spring and summer months. If you let them overwinter, they will bloom even more beautifully next season.
#Edible Fruits
Fuchsias are appreciated for their colorful blossoms (purple, pink, red, white, yellow), which decorate terraces, balconies and gardens. After blooming, edible fruits with a sweet taste appear. They were eaten by the Maya, Incas and the Maori (fuchsia grows wild in New Zealand and South America).
#In Canadian Fashion
In fall fuchsias begin to lose their attractive appearance as they go into dormancy. Many people simply throw them away and treat them as annuals. This is a big mistake, because fuchsias can be overwintered. The most interesting way to do it is the Canadian way.
#Under a Mound
First trim your fuchsias (7-11 inches). In your garden or allotment dig a hole (about 23 inches deep) and place dry leaves or hay in it. Then put the pot with fuchsia into the hole (it should rest on the side). Cover the plant with hay, dry leaves and finally sprinkle it with soil. You can also cover the plant with spruce twigs or bark. In early March, be sure to dig up the plant. Cut off the white shoots, water and fertilize.
#Wintering in the Cold
Of course, there are also more traditional methods of overwintering fuchsias. They will be suitable for those living in an apartment building.
Before the first frosts, be sure to bring the plants indoors. Shorten the shoots sharply, tear off all the leaves and put the pots in a dark room (cellar, garage, storage room). The temperature there should not exceed 50°F. Water rarely but do not allow the roots to dry out. In December start to wake up fuchsia from sleep. Move it to a warmer room and start watering and fertilizing intensively. When there is no more frost, put the pot out on the balcony.
How do you care for your fuchsias?