An Astonishingly Moving Photo Session of a Paralyzed Mother with Her Son

    An Astonishingly Moving Photo Session of a Paralyzed Mother with Her Son

    8:55 AM EDT, August 6, 2022, updated: 8:02 AM EDT, August 8, 2022

    Benjamin Von Wonga is a Canadian artist, photographer and activist. He is getting involved in more and more projects , like the one devoted to a disadvantaged mother.

    Together with another artist, Karen Alsop, Benjamin von Wong took part in 'Heart Project' illustrating the story of Sarah Jane Staszak


    The woman in question got paralyzed during a seemingly routine surgery which normally carries little or no risk at all

    VonWong / youtube
    VonWong / youtube

    Before the surgery she was a very active person – she would go climbing, sailing and being on the go for most of the time

    VonWong / youtube
    VonWong / youtube

    When she was operated on, her son was only three years old

    VonWong / youtube
    VonWong / youtube

    The project team let the woman make her dream come true; in the Blue Mountains (Australia) they helped her to climb together with her son

    VonWong / youtube
    VonWong / youtube

    The fantastic photos below are the footage of the trip

    VonWong / youtube
    VonWong / youtube

    Von Wang refused to accept any payment for the project

    VonWong / youtube
    VonWong / youtube
    VonWong / youtube
    VonWong / youtube
    What do you think about such a session?
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