Learning Foreign Languages In... The Toilet? With This Educational Toilet Paper This Is Becoming a Really Plausible Option!

    Let's face it – most of us go to the toilet with their phones, books or magazines. What if we spent this time studying a foreign language?

    Learning Foreign Languages In... The Toilet? With This Educational Toilet Paper This Is Becoming a Really Plausible Option!


    Foreign languages every day

    Statistically, we spend 14 minutes a day sitting on the toilet. The founders of Duolingo, a free language learning platform, together with Wieden&Kennedy, an advertising agency, came up with an idea how we can spend this time in a more practical way. And this is how Duolingo Roll was created.

    Toilet education

    The three layers of the toilet paper are supposed to assist the language learning process. There are some useful everyday phrases we can learn every time we visit the place. Of course it's all about frequent repetition so the chances to master a new language are quite high.


    English in the restroom

    At the moment all the rolls have sold out. They had phrases in English for the speakers of Japanese, Chinese, Spanish and Portuguese.

    There are plans to supply the paper for toilets in some Chinese office buildings.


    The suppliers of the paper claim that it is good for both our brains and the other part of our body, which toilet paper is normally used for.

    What do you think about such an innovative technique of learning foreign languages?
