When You Go On Vacation, Don’t Worry About Plants. We Have a Way for Watering Them!

    When You Go On Vacation, Don’t Worry About Plants. We Have a Way for Watering Them!

    1:55 AM EDT, September 4, 2022, updated: 6:23 PM EDT, September 4, 2022

    The biggest worry of plant lovers who go on vacation is the issue of watering. The lucky ones can count on a helping hand from friends or family. How to water plants on vacation? You will be surprised how simple it is.

    Of course, your absence will be best endured by cacti and succulents. If you are leaving for only a few days, then gather all the plants in one place. It should be shaded and sheltered from sunlight (take them off sunny windowsills). This will make the soil in the pots dry out more slowly. Of course, before leaving, water the plants. For a few days they will manage without your presence.

    Watering Plants With a String - Step by Step

    Hydrate plants on vacation, photo: Genialne.pl
    Hydrate plants on vacation, photo: Genialne.pl

    An interesting patent for watering plants is to use an ordinary string for this. Pour water into a tall pot and set it on an upside-down pot.

    Hydrate plants on vacation, photo: Genialne.pl
    Hydrate plants on vacation, photo: Genialne.pl

    Then put as many strings into the vessel as many flowers you intend to water.

    Place the other end of the string in the pots. Remember to keep the pots lower than the container with the liquid.

    Hydrate plants on vacation, photo: Genialne.pl
    Hydrate plants on vacation, photo: Genialne.pl

    With this simple irrigation trick, water droplets will freely seep down the string into the soil. Your plants will take in just the right amount of fluids and are sure to survive in your absence.

    Hydrate plants on vacation, photo: Genialne.pl
    Hydrate plants on vacation, photo: Genialne.pl

    Home Ways to Irrigate Plants - Drip From a Bottle

    Another hack for supplying water to plants will be to buy special irrigators that mount on the thread of a bottle. You can opt for plastic or ceramic products. Fill an ordinary PET bottle with water and mount the purchased irrigator on it. Then poke it into the soil in the pot. Water will ooze from the irrigator in small drops and moisten the soil.

    If you have a pore of plants in boxes, you can prepare the drip from the bottle itself. Make small holes in the cap, pour water into the bottle and stick it upside down in the ground.

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