How to Water Cucumbers to Have a Rich Harvest
7:01 PM EDT, July 7, 2022
Self-grown cucumbers, for many amateur gardeners, are their pride and their only holiday destination. Many of them have their own secret ways to harvest as much as possible. Find out what to water cucumbers with and enjoy a successful harvest.
How Often to Water Cucumbers?
Watering depends on the weather conditions and the developmental stage of cucumbers. These plants have a shallow root system and are very sensitive to overwatering. Therefore, they should be watered frequently, but quite sparsely. They need the most water at the time of growth (flowering, fruit setting). During hot summer days, water cucumbers several times a week. While those grown in pots - every day.
What to Water Cucumbers With?
Of course, the best time to water vegetables will be in the morning or late afternoon. Most importantly: we do not use cold water to irrigate cucumbers. It should be at ambient temperature. Otherwise you will stunt the growth of plants and they will be more likely to get fungal diseases.
For watering, tap water as well as rainwater (the best will be skimmed) will be good. Remember not to soak the leaves of the plants. The water should go directly into the soil.
Watering Ground Cucumbers With Sugar Water
To help cucumbers grow, it's a good idea to turn to homemade fertilizers. The simplest of these is sugar water. Glucose will make the vegetables very juicy and stimulate flower development. Unfortunately, it has one downside. It attracts ants, which love sugar.
To make the fertilizer, prepare a liter of water. Bring it to a boil and dissolve 30 g of sugar or 1 glucose tablet in it. When the concoction cools down, water the cucumbers with it.
Watering Cucumbers With Yeast Water
Yeast has a lot of nutrients (protein, B vitamins), which make the seedlings easier to root, more resistant to pest attacks and less likely to contract various diseases. In 10 liters of warm water dissolve 10 g of dry yeast and 2 tablespoons of sugar. Expose the solution to sunlight. After a few hours, dilute the fertilizer in 50 liters of warm water. Water each seedling with 1 liter of the solution.
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