House Ferns. How to Take Care of Them

    Ferns are some of the most common plants grown both inside and in the garden. Their leaves hanging down the pot look wonderful. They look best when the green colour is fresh and healthy. What can we do to grow them well look this good?

    House Ferns. How to Take Care of Them

    Caring for ferns

    Location. Ferns prefer shade and ambient light. They do not tolerate intensive and direct sunlight.

    Temperature. Appropriate temperature for ferns that’s 18 – 25 degrees C. In the winter it should be lower, between 15 and18 degrees C.

    Soil. The plant prefers fertile and permeable mediums, for example turf mixed with conifer bark. Of course gardening centres offer ready-made soil.

    Re-potting. Ferns need to be repotted if its roots can be seen on the surface.

    Propagation. When a fern is repotted, it can be divided so that 2- 3 seedlings can be obtained.

    Frequency of watering

    Ferns have some specific requirements in terms of watering. Make sure that the medium is dump, but not soaked. Ferns definitely prefer a humid environment, so avoid excessive drying. Water it every 2 – 3 days with soft water. Of course a lot depends on the location, the size of the plant and the pot. In the winter watering has to be reduced, but only if the room temperature is not too high and the air is not too dry.

    What can be done when the fern goes dry?

    Regular dewing should do. At humidity below 60% the leaves go brown. You can also change the location and put the fern in a colder place, not colder than 15C of course. Ferns, just like people, are also very sensitive to water veins – they won’t grow well there. Also, you need to avoid watering mistakes. Ferns hate being forgotten. In the winter keep it away from radiators but close to fish tanks or humidifiers. It also feels good in bathrooms, as long as there is a window.


    Many people use black tea leftovers, of course without any extras. Such tea fertiliser makes the plant look great. Again, gardening centres offer a variety of dedicated products. Still, don’t fertilise it more than once a month. In the winter it might be even less regular.

    Is fern toxic for animals?

    Not at all. As a matter of fact, ferns are one of top 10 most animal-friendly potted plants.

    Healing properties

    Ferns clean the air and eliminate dangerous radiation emitted by TVs, computers and phones ionising the air. When dewed, they wonderfully humidify the air giving back some of the water they receive.