How to Remove Yellow Cigarette Stains from Fingers and Nails? Only DIY Methods!

    No one wants yellowed, ugly fingers, but they are a common problem for smokers. In this article, we will tell you how to remove yellow cigarette stains on your fingers quickly and effectively.

    How to Remove Yellow Cigarette Stains from Fingers and Nails? Only DIY Methods!

    In the first place: Are you sure the yellow stains are caused by smoking and not by something else?

    You should be aware that not only smoking can cause yellowish fingers. Smokers often don't realize that ringworm, psoriasis, various liver diseases, and jaundice can also be responsible for their fingers. If for any reason you suspect that cigarettes are not the cause of your yellowing fingers, you should see a dermatologist!


    How to remove yellow cigarette stains from your fingers?

    There are many effective ways to do it. Here are the ones that are based on health-safe products that you probably already have in your home.

    Warm milk


    Start by soaking your fingertips in warm milk. This is a safe procedure that will not weaken your nails. Instead of milk, you can also use a solution of soap and water (the grey one will also be suitable). Then scrub your nails with a brush designed for this purpose.

    How to clean yellowish fingers using toothpaste


    Take any brand of toothpaste and squeeze a little bit of it onto the yellow area of one of your fingers. Then use a toothbrush to rub the paste into the yellow skin for a few minutes. Later, rinse your fingers with warm water. For extremely stubborn stains, try using some whitening toothpaste.

    How to clean yellowish fingers using lemon juice


    Take half a lemon and apply it to the yellowed area of your fingers. Rub the yellowed areas until they are covered with juice. Leave the lemon coating on your fingers for 5-10 minutes and then rinse it off with warm water. You can repeat this process up to five times a day. If you have small cuts on your fingertips, be aware that this treatment will pinch

    Potatoes for yellowish fingers


    This method is milder than the others, so it may be a good option if you have sensitive skin. Peel a potato and then rub it on the stained area on your fingers for a few minutes. Then rinse your fingers off. You can repeat this process up to 10 times a day.

    How to remove yellow marks on fingers - hydrogen peroxide


    Peroxide water has brightening and disinfecting properties. Therefore, it will help to win the fight against discoloration. Dilute it with plain water and soak your fingers in such a solution for a few minutes. Thanks to this, your nails will regain a nice color.

    How to get rid of nicotine stains - aspirin


    Take one aspirin tablet and dissolve it in a standard cup of warm water. Dip your stained fingers in the water and soak them for a few minutes. Once the process is complete, wash your hands with soap and water.

    You can also make a paste of one aspirin tablet and a few drops of water. Apply it on your skin and leave it for 15 minutes. After this time, scrub your nails, rinse off the paste residue and wash your hands thoroughly.

    Do you have any of your own proven ways on how to remove yellow cigarette stains from c your fingers? Share them on our Facebook page.