18 Low‑Budget Ideas to Make Your Tiny Flat Look Much Bigger

    18 Low-Budget Ideas to Make Your Tiny Flat Look Much Bigger

    7:19 PM EDT, October 30, 2023, updated: 6:23 PM EDT, November 1, 2023

    Decorating your flat might be a pleasure. Of course you need to remember not to overspend and clutter your house (unless it is your original intention…). Small interiors might be difficult to arrange but this is nothing you won’t be able to handle. If you want your apartment to look trendy and classy, check the inspiring images below.

    #4 A big suitcase and a smaller one right next to your bed. You can store your bedsheets there and it can also be your bedside table for a lamp and books.


    #10 Transparent chairs are similar in this respect. They seem to occupy less space and you can see other furniture through them.

    #18 Floating shelves (even the tiniest) are always recommended. Follow the rule: the more wall you see, the bigger the room seems.
    See also