An Easy Trick to Get Rid of Caterpillars and Other Pests in a Natural Way

    An Easy Trick to Get Rid of Caterpillars and Other Pests in a Natural Way

    6:24 PM EDT, June 17, 2022

    This article demonstrates how using a single product present in every kitchen we can repel many pests. You will also learn about its other practical applications. This effective and at the same time safe substance is clearly worth considering. Let’s find out how you can use its potential to scare pests away.


    Getting rid of pests

    All you need is… baking soda. This is a simple product made of bicarbonate, which is strongly alkaline. It means that once it mixes with something acidic, carbon dioxide is released. As you probably know, this could be useful for baking purposes. Baking soda is also known to be a reliable cleaning agent, with good rubbing qualities. However, very few know that baking soda could also be harnessed in our garden efforts to repel a number of pests.


    How to use baking soda in the garden

    Baking soda could be an ingredient of a number of mixtures that could protect your plants. Remember that if you want to ensure the most effective shield for your garden, you have to treat each case individually.


    Soda against cabbage pests

    These little bugs eat cabbage leaves and also other vegetables belonging to the family, including broccoli, Brussels sprouts and collard. To kill them off, prepare a mixture of white flour and baking soda (1:1). Then, using any kind of powder dispenser, apply the mixture on the leaves attacked by the pests. Cabbage leaves are too thick to be harmed but the insects will disappear soon after eating the treat.


    Baking soda as an insect repellent

    A number of insects hate the smell and taste of baking soda. Knowing they keep away from it we can use the substance to repel them. Ants and cockroaches are some of the most common.

    To keep them at bay sprinkle some soda on the ground and the insects will stay away from it.


    How to get rid of hordes of slugs or armies of ants

    To handle slugs, you need to apply soda directly on the creature. Make sure it doesn’t get on your plants. If you are fighting a battle against ants, pour some water all over the places where ants are present and pour some soda on the spots. Then wait half an hour and pour some vinegar there. Such a combination will exterminate most of ants. To fight ants or cockroaches, you can also prepare a mixture consisting of water and sugar (1:1). If you pour it around your plants (yet not too close) it will kill the slugs trying to crawl through it.

    Farmers' Way/facebook
    Farmers' Way/facebook

    Baking soda as a fungicide

    To protect your plants against fungi, mix four teaspoonful of baking soda with four liters of water. Although baking soda alone won’t be able to fight fungi, if applied in appropriate quantity it will definitely minimize the side effects of the disease. This mixture is strongly recommended for roses with black spot and vine, especially when the first fruit forms.


    Using baking soda to fight downy mildew

    In this case soda acts as a preventive measure, not as a remedy for plants already infested. Downy mildew is particularly dangerous in gardens with high levels of humidity. It attacks a number of plants, including touch-me-nots, cucumbers or zinnias. Apart from baking soda, the list of mixture ingredients includes:

    • a spoonful of baking soda,

    • 4 liters of water

    • a spoonful of plant oil

    • a spoonful of washing-up liquid

    Mix it all well and pour into a spray bottle. Apply once a week, preferably when it’s not too sunny.

    Do you know any other tricks that include baking soda? Please share them with us on our Facebook.
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