27 Examples Showing How the Birth Of a Child Changes Our Lives
2:32 AM EDT, May 7, 2024
Once your baby is born, things get changed beyond recognition. You have to update all your habits and routines so that your life could follow the rhythm of the baby’s life. There is no time for parties (or any social life in fact) anymore. Watch our gallery and find out how a child can change the life of their parents.
#1 Forget the trip to Egypt. You are the camel now!
#2 Dad, as an ex-model, is cut out to get his face decorated with stars
#3 Your engagement ring has to give way to those with cartoon characters
#5 The bass guitar magically turns into a magic wand
#6 A sexy dress against a baggy T-shirt
#7 Ice-cream is definitely better than gambling!
#8 Who said you can't relax in your child's bedroom?
#9 When the cat is no longer a priority...
#10 Who cares about make-up when the only thing you wear is your tracksuit?
#11 Dogs have some reasons to complain about the quality of holidays
#12 Kids have to be fed first!
#13 Don’t worry, you will come back to the beach one day!
#14 The vehicle has to match the situation
#15 Having the time of your life – then and now
#16 Who goes to the gym when you can carry it on your shoulders?
#17 No more wasting time to choose the right dress!
#18 Sometimes you are simply tired
#19 No matter what happens, there must be always some time for your hobby!
#20 The model is the same, it's just the background has changed
#21 You had no idea you could be this good at multitasking
#22 Your photo session have changed a little
#23 There is nothing you wouldn’t do for your child!
#24 Some things never get changed
#25 They still get on well, it's just they are so exhausted...
#26 Life is a ride anyway!
#27 Nothing is going to stop me. Almost nothing!
Did your life change so much after your child was born?