Hotel Receptionist Reveals What They Do With the Soap When You Check Out of the Room

    Have you ever wondered what happens to hotel soap that you don't use after you check out of your room? Most of us open it, use it a few times, and then just leave it by the sink. Surely not many of us wonder what happens to the hotel soap when we leave the room. And it's worth dwelling on this topic longer!

    Hotel Receptionist Reveals What They Do With the Soap When You Check Out of the Room

    Just Think How Much Product Is Wasted When It Is Not Used to the End

    The data can be frightening, because none of us uses hotel toiletries to the end - it would simply be impossible. In the United States alone, over a million soaps are thrown away every day! And when it comes to thinking globally, it turns out that up to 5 million bars of soap may even be thrown away every day!


    Fortunately, Someone Has Taken an Interest in the Subject

    There is a charity that has decided to take these soaps and make them useful again. No, it's not what you think. They are not going to another hotel.

    The Clean The World, a company based in Orlando, works very hard to collect all the soaps used literally a few times by hotel guests. They disinfect them, melt them down, and distribute them to the neediest people around the world.


    Clean the World Operates in Various Parts of the World: Orlando, Las Vegas, Montreal, India and Hong Kong.

    An idea that is worthy of attention - especially since many people in the world cannot afford such 'luxuries'. The founder of the company is Shawn Seipler, who was previously in the technology industry and traveled for almost five months a year. He was an inquisitive person who really wanted to find out what happens to the soaps that are not used in a hotel.


    One night Seipler decided to go to the hotel front desk to ask a question that was bothering him. He then heard that soaps are thrown away no matter how many times they are used. He decided to do some research and found out how he could change this disturbing trend and recycle the soaps so that they would be useful to someone else.


    What Does This Process Look Like?

    First, soap is collected from many hotels to be disinfected and melted again later. It is very important to sanitize because no one wants to use soap that has just been in the hands of someone else, right?

    As Seipler did more research on soap recycling, he learned that thousands of children around the world die every day from a variety of diseases. The World Health Organization found that these diseases could be prevented with something as simple as proper hygiene.


    Clean the World Encourages You to Partner With Them!

    Hotels can now partner with Clean The World and all used hotel soaps can be recycled for as little as 50 cents per room per month. The company also recycles shampoo and conditioner and donates them to homeless shelters around the world. Last year, the company shipped about 400,000 hygiene kits and produced more than 7 million bars of recycled soap.

    But the company still has a lot of work ahead of it. Seipler said: "There is a whole world of hotels where we can start making donations. Currently they have a 20 percent of all hotels in the U.S. That's a lot of room to grow and a lot of soap to make."

    Do you admit that this is a great initiative to support, right!?