A Creature Has Been Found. It Looks Like the Harry Potter’s Chocolate Frog. It’s Got a Face of a Tapir

    Chocolate frogs do exist! They have just been discovered in the Amazon forest and they really look original.

    A Creature Has Been Found. It Looks Like the Harry Potter’s Chocolate Frog. It’s Got a Face of a Tapir

    Brisk frogs

    People in their twenties and thirties certainly look famous chocolate frogs from Harry Potter books. In the novels they are eaten by the main characters and other wizards there. The book frogs are very quick and they often get away just before being put inside mouth. Believe it or not, scientists have just discovered a chocolate frog in its natural habitat.


    Tapir-face frog

    The Putumayo River is one of left Amazon River's tributaries. It flows through Brazil, Ecuador, Peru and Colombia. Peruvians living near the river have reported seeing an unusual frog with a long face for a long time. They called it 'rana danta', which means 'tapir frog', due to the similarity to tapir's face. However, scientists couldn't find it for a long time as the frog is very small. Luckily they finally succeeded in their efforts. It was only recently that biologists and local guides found a chocolate frog on Peruvian peat bogs.They managed to located it thanks to the unusual sound the animal gives off. The species was called Synapturanus danta.


    Living underground

    The frog is very small (about 0.7 cm). It's body is brown-red and it lives underground. Thanks to its minute body it easily digs through soft peat and makes its burrows. Moreover, its very agile, quick and lays its eggs underground, too. You won't see it leaping on the ground like most frogs do. And that is why it is so difficult to spot it. However, when you hear something like beep-beep-peep, it could be it!


    What stirs most emotions is the shape of its head. When you look at its long face, it immediately makes you think of a tapir. Its brown color at the same time makes you associate it with famous Harry Potter chocolate frogs.

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