Future Grandfather Demonstrates to His Son How to Bathe a Tiny Baby. Family's Cat Acts as a Newborn.

    Future Grandfather Demonstrates to His Son How to Bathe a Tiny Baby. Family's Cat Acts as a Newborn.

    6:35 AM EST, December 2, 2023, updated: 12:12 PM EST, December 3, 2023

    Parents try to convey their children's knowledge in the best possible way. Some of them are very inventive in this regard.


    Cat Pretending to Be a Newborn

    A Vietnamese man showed his son (Vinh Quang Phạm) how to bathe a newborn baby in a very charming way. For this purpose, he used the family cat and a plastic bowl. The video with the staged bath has been published in social media and is very popular.


    Kitten Bath


    Happy Grandfather

    In the film you can see how the elderly gentleman is very tenderly supporting the animal's head, massaging it on its tummy and discussing thoroughly the next stages of the bath. Kitten undergoes all the treatments with great patience and, looking at its face, it gets a lot of satisfaction from the attention. Having a father, so involved in bringing up the future grandson, is big real treasure.


    The Cat Politely Takes in All Treatment


    See the Instructional Video of the "Dry" Bath

    What do you think of this technique? 

    See also