Footwear Revolution. Eco‑Sneakers Made of Dog Fur and Mycelium!
6:46 PM EST, February 19, 2021
Can you make shoes that are completely eco-friendly? A German designer proves that it is by all means possible.
Emilie Burfeind has come up with an alternative to traditional footwear, which is made mostly of such materials as rubber, nylon or polyethylene foam which take very long to decompose, sometimes up to 1,000 years!
Dog fur shank
The woman, being aware of how harmful to the environment traditional shoes are, decided to create a greener equivalent. The key thing was to use biodegradable components. Following this principle Emilie Burfeind came up with Sneature shoes. Seamless sock without any laces was made of dog hair collected from dog groomers. It is called chiengora and warms the feet much better than sheep wool.
The materials used to make the shoes
Shank without laces
Mycelium sole
To make the sole, she used dried mycelium, mixed with organic matter (for example canopy fibers). No standard rubber was used. To replace it, she introduced natural one from the Brazilian rubber tree.
Production in progress
The shoes are very comfortable and they provide really good grip.
What do you think about such footwear?