Food That Will Make You Sweat Even More on a Hot Day

    Food That Will Make You Sweat Even More on a Hot Day

    1:52 PM EDT, July 11, 2022, updated: 4:41 PM EDT, July 11, 2022

    Sweating after eating is annoying and embarrassing. It's a problem especially now, during the summer, when temperatures are high outside. What foods should you avoid to avoid sweating?


    Sweating after eating - the most important thing is to know what it causes it.

    On the one hand, the cause of sweating after eating may be a combination of high temperature, humidity and the type of food you eat. On the other hand, if it's "normal" for you to sweat after almost every meal, and regardless of the season - then the cause could be some kind of disorder and it's worth seeing a doctor.

    Eating these foods causes increased sweating after eating!

    There are a number of products that we should avoid on hot days if it is a priority for us not to sweat:

    # 1 Alcohol


    Alcohol increases body temperature, increasing blood flow and sugar levels, so to compensate for this, we sweat more. The body sees alcohol as a toxin, so it works harder to rid the body of it through the liver, but also through urine and sweat. Excessive sweating at night can be caused by alcohol.

    # 2 Caffeine


    It causes sweating due to its effect on the central nervous system. It raises blood pressure and increases heart rate, which triggers a physiological response in the form of sweating. The more you drink coffee and other caffeinated beverages on a daily basis, the more you will sweat.

    # 3 Spicy Foods


    Basically, capsaicin, a chemical found in spicy foods, tricks the body into suggesting that it's hot, which causes the body to start sweating. Spicy foods stimulate receptors in the skin that normally respond to heat, and this triggers the physical response of feeling hot. Blood vessels dilate, and there is sweat and redness on the skin.

    # 4 Sugar and Carbohydrates


    After eating a particularly sweet snack or a meal high in carbohydrates, blood sugar levels can spike. To counteract this spike, the body releases a hormone called insulin. If insulin levels are too high, this causes what is known as hypoglycemia, which can translate into you breaking a sweat. Note: if this happens to you often, it's worth visiting your doctor, as it could be a sign of diabetes.

    # 5 Protein Contained in Meat


    We know that digestion usually consumes about 25% of our energy. Nevertheless, it takes more energy to digest protein than to digest other foods. If you eat a lot of protein your body will produce a lot of energy and a lot of heat. Of course, this can result in the occurrence of sweating.

    # 6 Heavily Processed Foods


    Processed foods can cause sweating for the same reasons as proteins and sugars. Most processed foods are high in fat and lack fiber, making them difficult to digest. Your body has to do a lot of work and expend a lot of energy to process them. This in turn causes your body temperature to rise, resulting in sweating.

    # 7 Hot Foods and Drinks


    This is probably obvious to everyone, but the point was not missed. Warm foods and drinks can increase sweating because they warm up our body, which in turn translates into the occurrence of sweat droplets.

    Is sweating after eating a meal a problem for you in the summer?