15 Embarrassing Scenarios That Could Happen to Any of Us. Sometimes it's Important to Take it Easy

    15 Embarrassing Scenarios That Could Happen to Any of Us. Sometimes it's Important to Take it Easy

    2:10 AM EDT, August 28, 2021, updated: 5:51 PM EDT, September 4, 2021

    How many times have you been so distracted that instead of taking your car keys you took the keys to the basement with you? Or did you happen to mistakenly put your phone in the fridge or wear your shirt on the wrong side up? That's nothing compared to what happened to these people. Internet users decided to share their cases with the world and we must admit that these situations are comical!

    #1 "Today at work I got sad when I saw that someone had left his dog in the office. I wanted to go up to him and play with him, but it turned out he was just a life-sized figurine…"


    #2 That's a bummer - losing a shoe just as the subway doors are closing….


    #3 This girl doesn't yet know she's creating a new masterpiece on her back


    #4 When you find yourself in the wrong place at the wrong time - "From the stupid questions series - How long does a baseball game last?"


    #5 "In about 5 minutes I have to leave for the bus …"


    #6 I don't even know how this happen, but I know this much , I am happy is not my fingers….


    #7 It's nice to have some gadgets on the dashboard of your car. But it better not be, for example, a rubber ducky in a hot car


    #8 "My cousin from England wanted to make a gift for a friend and give her a cake with Mariah Carey's image on it. The cake shop made a mistake and instead of the singer she got a cake with an image of Maria Curie."


    #9 This awkward situation when you're at a friend's house and you go to the toilet, and you notice they out of toilet roll….


    #10 "Today I went to class and was really convinced that I had scraped my laptop off the kitchen counter. Turns out I mistook it for a cutting board."


    #11 "This is how my mom found out I had a nipple piercing"


    #12 "I left one flip-flop on the windowsill and forgot to take it back for 2 months. Turned out it had shrunk pretty badly."


    #13 "That moment when you unpack a new mouse and realize you have to buy another"


    #14 "When your stuff blends in perfectly with its surroundings"


    #15 When you've been looking for your cable for months and find it in the least expected place


    Have you ever experienced a similar experience? If so, be sure to share it in the comments!

    See also