13 Common Myths about Animals. It’s High Time You Stopped Believing in Them

    13 Common Myths about Animals. It’s High Time You Stopped Believing in Them

    6:01 PM EST, January 31, 2023, updated: 1:06 PM EST, February 1, 2023

    We all have heard at least some of them. And we strongly believe they are true. The problem is that the fact that something is popular does not confirm its credibility.

    These are some of the most common myths about animals.

    #1 Cats purr when they are happy


    Cats purring is usually associated with their satisfaction. However, in reality it could mean something completely different. According to latest research, cats give off this sound also when they are anxious, scared, stressed or in pain.

    #2 Waving the tail means the dog is excited and happy


    According to dog behaviorists and other scientists a waving tail means that the dog is mentally engaged. It is by no means an indication of its mood or well-being. Dog behaviorists suggest that we pay attention to the height and frequency of the movement. Waving it wide and fast is positive. Stiff and slower movement should be treated as a warning.

    #3 Rabbit should eat plenty of carrots


    Tasty as carrots are, having too many of them might make your rabbit feel unwell and, in the worst scenario, vet's assistance could be necessary. Why is that so? Carrots, just like many other vegetables, contains a lot of starch and sugars. These could disturb the animals stomach bacteria which could lead to further health issues.

    #4 All dogs can swim


    Dog's ability to swim largely depends on its breed and body. While some breeds are natural born swimmers (for example retrievers) others, including bulldogs, need to wear swimming vests as they drown very fast. Always be careful when your dog is near water!

    #5 Cats can't be trained


    Of course they can. Not only can they learn a number of tricks, but the process itself can foster the relationship between the animal and its owner. The biggest problem is that many people simply don't know how to properly train a cat.

    #6 Diet based on raw meat is the best thing a dog can get


    Not only there is no scientific data to confirm that, but there is evidence to the contrary – raw meat increases the risk of disease caused by dangerous microbes. Vets highlight the fact that while wolves can eat bones and raw meat, thousands of years of evolution of dogs have changed their digestive tract so much that our pets should not eat the same stuff as their wild ancestors.

    #7 Licking their wounds dogs heal them


    In fact a dog licking its wounds only makes it worse. Although dogs' saliva was scientifically proven to have some anti-bacterial properties, this only refers to a few breeds of dogs and the bacteria growth is slowed down in a rather unsubstantial manner. Letting your dog licks its wound you can make them open again leaving them prone to infection caused by microorganisms. And that will certainly impede the healing process.

    #8 Golden fish is very easy to keep at home


    Golden fish is cheap and the only think you need is a fishbowl and some water. However, these animals are not as easy to keep as most people believe. Mainly because they produce quite a lot of excrements. In a small and unfiltered tank the levels of toxic substances can be really dangerous. That is why even a very small fish needs a tank of at least 75 liters.

    #9 You can’t teach an old god any new tricks


    Of course puppies are much easier when it comes to training as they haven’t developed many habits yet. Still, older dogs can be trained, too. According to research, although the training process could last longer, they retain the knowledge gain for a long time.

    #10 One dog's year is the equivalent of seven years of a man


    Even some vets are heard to spread this one. The experts claim that age cannot be compared like that if we are keen on some precise data. According to the chart created by American Veterinary Medical Association, the first year of a middle-sized dog corresponds to 15 human years, the second to 24 years and the next ones to 4 – 5 years of a man.

    #11 Dogs see black and white only


    It wasn't until recently that, contrary to the beliefs of many, dog's vision was proven to go beyond white and black only. The new research demonstrated although the color vision spectrum is not complete, dogs see shades of yellow and blue.

    #12 Animals from shelters are always unhealthy or disadvantaged


    One of the myths about pets is that animals adopted from shelters always have some kind of a condition and they will never be good pets. The truth is that a number of animals ending up there used to be cute pets but were abandoned due to problems caused by their owners. Many people who decide to have a pet are simple not prepared for this responsibility.

    Animal shelters usually reveal what kind of problems a given animal has had or whether they call for some special treatment and/ or care.

    #13 Cats always land on four legs


    Cats and a few other animal species have got the stretching instinct which enables them to prevent injuries while landing. However, sometimes there isn’t enough time to make this work. Moreover, the instinct might result in even more injuries sustained by the animal.

    Did you use to believe in any of the myths described above?
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