Christmas from a Completely Different Perspective: 10 Fantastic Ideas for Christmas Trees Fixed Upside Down
11:13 AM EST, December 17, 2022, updated: 7:25 PM EST, December 17, 2022
A decorated Christmas tree is something you can’t imagine these holidays without. What if we added a pinch of innovation and put them upside down?
The tradition has its origins in Alsace in Germany. It caught on for good in 19th and 20th century. Now you will find the symbol of the holidays almost all over the world.
So how did the houses use to be decorated? For example, in some countries some ceiling decorations were hung, coming with a number of names, including a god’s tree or a paradise orchard.
Roots up
It looked like the peak of the pine or spruce hanging from the ceiling top down. Sometimes they were nothing but single branches of coniferous trees hanging above the heads of the family.
Onion at war with the forces of evil
The decorations used included a variety of edible items. These included nuts, apples and onion, which was believed to have supernatural powers repelling the forces of darkness. With time the green branches also began to be decorated with cookies, straw ornaments, paper, ribbons or the holy wafer. Such branch was a symbol of the vital powers, life, prosperity and fertility. It was believed to guarantee health and peace among the family members and protect them against bad luck and calamities.
The branch was fixed as late as at Christmas Eve morning.
Christmas trees upside down
The contemporary version of the ceiling branches are Christmas trees fixed upside down to the ceiling. This trend originated in the USA and is still popular there. Such trees can be seen not only in private homes but also in malls and shopping centers. Just take a look at how gorgeous they might look.
#1 Presents glued to the ceiling
#2 The power of colorful glass balls and other ornaments
#3 A tree full of roses
#4 A tree in the Tate Britain (a museum of British art in London)
#5 With the star down
#6 A small tree decorated with pomegranates
#7 It’s all angels and stars
#8 Just white and gold
#9 A powerful combination of the modern and minimalism
#10 A tree like a hanging lamp
What do you think about these trees?