This Is the Only Thing That Always Works on Caterpillars and Other Pests in the Garden! Cheap Natural Remedy

    Thanks to this article, you will learn how to get rid of caterpillars in the garden with the help of one product that everyone has in the kitchen. And you will also learn some of its other useful applications. It is an effective and safe for our health remedy that is worth using. Find out how baking soda works on pests in the garden.

    This Is the Only Thing That Always Works on Caterpillars and Other Pests in the Garden! Cheap Natural Remedy

    What Will Help With Pests in the Garden?

    Use baking soda! This is a simple, natural product made from sodium bicarbonate, which is strongly alkaline. This means that when it is combined with something acidic, it produces carbon dioxide. As you may know, in the case of baking bread, this helps the bread rise.

    Soda is also known for being a good cleaning agent with slightly abrasive properties. However, the fewest people know that it is also great in the garden for fighting various types of pests.

    #Baking Soda for Pests in the Garden?

    You can use baking soda to make many simple mixtures to protect your plants. However, depending on the pests you are dealing with, you will have to approach the issue a little differently each time. Especially if you want your measures to be as effective as possible.

    #Baking Soda for Brassica Vegetable Pests

    These small caterpillars feed not only on cabbage leaves, but are also eager to eat other brassica vegetables, such as broccoli, Brussels sprouts and kale. To eradicate these pests, prepare a mixture consisting of 50% white flour and 50% baking soda.

    Put this mixture in a container with a shaker or in a powder (salt or pepper) dispenser and sprinkle it on the infested plants. The leaves of brassicas are thick and the mixture will not harm them, but the caterpillars will eat it and soon die.

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    #Baking Soda as an Insect Repellent

    Many garden pests dislike the smell and taste of baking soda and avoid it. This means that we can put it to good use to repel them. Ants, silverfish and cockroaches are just a few of the major pests. To repel them, simply sprinkle baking soda on the treated soil in your garden. Insects that don't like it will stay away.

    #How to Get Rid of Pests in the Garden When They Are Whole Colonies of Slugs or Emerging Ants

    You will get rid of especially troublesome slugs without shells by applying baking soda directly to the pests. Be careful that it does not get on the plants!

    If there are ants in your yard or by your house that you can't get rid of, wet the places where they live with water and then sprinkle baking soda in the amount of about 2 cups. Wait about half an hour and spill another cup of vinegar on it. This combination will eliminate most ants.

    To control ants and cockroaches, you can also prepare a bait of half baking soda and half sugar. If you place this mixture around plants (not too close to them), it will kill slugs that may crawl through it.

    #Baking Soda as a Fungicide


    To protect plants from fungi, mix 4 teaspoons of baking soda with 4 liters of water. Although in this case the baking soda alone may not entirely cope with the effects of fungus, if it is particularly abundant, it will certainly significantly reduce the effects of this disease on your plants.

    This mixture is especially worth using on roses (in case of black spot), as well as on grapes and vines when the first fruits appear.

    #The Use of Baking Soda to Control Powdery Mildew

    In this case, it acts as a preventive measure rather than a solution when the plant has already been attacked. Powdery mildew can cause serious problems in gardens with high humidity. It infects many types of plants. Zinnias, impatiens, squash and cucumbers are often attacked.

    To use baking soda to control powdery mildew, mix the following ingredients:

    • 1 tablespoon of baking soda
    • 4 liters of water,
    • 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil
    • 1 tablespoon of dishwashing liquid.
    • Mix them well and put them in a spray bottle. Apply weekly, preferably when the weather is not too sunny.

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