His Soup Saved Thousands of Children. Some People Still Serve It

    His Soup Saved Thousands of Children. Some People Still Serve It

    His Soup Saved Thousands of Children. Some People Still Serve It
    7:24 PM EST, January 2, 2024, updated: 6:14 PM EST, January 3, 2024

    It was the beginning of the 20th century. One pediatrician reduced the fatality rate among babies by means of a ... soup.

    A doctor by vocation


    Ernst Moro is a doctor whose name doesn't ring many bells. He was born in 1874 on the territory of Austria-Hungary. He completed his medical studies at the Graz University and went on to become a professor of pediatrics. After moving to Heidelberg he continued research on dramatically high fatality rate among new born children (even up to 25%). Babies would die from diarrhea and it was when penicillin hadn't been invented yet.

    A soup of three ingredients


    Moro decided to find a way to save the children. He worked out a medication that indeed worked. It was... carrot soup. The dish consisted of three ingredients only: water, carrots and salt. The vegetables had to be boiled and rubbed through a sieve. The dish was a kind of puree and this is how it was served to the babies. The diet worked and the fatality rate dropped substantially.

    The power of carrot

    David Holifield/unsplash
    David Holifield/unsplash

    Carrot is a magical vegetable. It contains oligosaccharides (a kind of carbohydrates) which prevent bacteria from adhering to the walls of the liver and intestines. Moreover, carrot is a source of minerals, vitamins and water, with the last one really important due to diarrhea dehydration.

    Doctor Ernst Moro's list of achievements is in fact much longer:

    • he proved that breastfed children are more immune to disease than bottle fed ones,

    • he described the infantile reflex (also referred to as Moro reflex) which is a sudden reaction of babies to a change of position of their body or noises,

    • he described the irritable bowel syndrome (children cases),

    • he designed a special milk mixture (milk, flour, butter, sugar),

    • he invented a very simple skin test diagnosing tuberculosis,

    • he described in more detail the term 'the first trimester'.

    Do you ever cook carrot soup for your children?
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