Dieffenbachia – Caring for It and Things You Need to Be Careful About

    Plants at home make a wonderful decoration giving the place a better character and additionally filtering the air. Green colour makes us smile more often and feel happier. However, there are plants we have to be careful about. This popular plant coming from Brazil might cause serious poisoning with such symptoms as diarrhoea, nausea, cardiac arrhythmia or even vocal cords paralysis.

    Dieffenbachia – Caring for It and Things You Need to Be Careful About

    Dieffenbachia – what does it look like and how to care for it?

    Dieffenbachia (also known as dumb cane) has beautiful big heart-shaped leaves with a coloured pattern. Although originally it was grown in Brazil, it is really easy to take care of and that is why it is commonly grown all over the world now. The plant doesn’t require much attention. What matters is a bright or half-shaded place without exposure to direct sun as this might burn the leaves. The more dispersed light, the more interesting patterns will appear on the leaves. Also, remember that in the summer the best temperature range is 20 – 25 degrees C and 15-18 degrees in the winter.

    Watering diffenbachia

    The plant must be watered and misted regularly. In the winter you only have to water it once a week, in the summer twice, up to three times. If it grows properly, re-pot it every year into a bigger pot rich in fertiliser.

    Dieffenbachia – leaves going yellow

    Dieffenbachias leaves are susceptible to a number of diseases. The most common cause is excessively cold or dump medium, which results in leaves going yellowish. If you notice that on your plant, the first thing to do is to check the soil in the pot. Moreover, have a look at the roots to see if they haven’t begun to rot. If they have, re-pot the plant and reduce watering. Do the same if you notice some growths on the leaves. Find a warmer and sunnier place and, again, reduce watering. Beware of mould as it may make the base of the stem rot. It might also cause other leave diseases. Dieffenbachia is also sensitive to pests, including spider mites and mealy bugs. To fight them use some of the repellents available in most gardening centres.

    Dieffenbachia – health hazard

    You must bear in mind the risks and serious consequences the plant poses. Primarily that refers to parents of young children and pet owners, especially cats and dogs. Toxic dieffenbachia juice can cause throat problems, including irritation of vocal cords, diarrhoea or heart malfunctioning. Touching the juice and rubbing your eyes with it might cause watery eyes, eye lid crumps or photophobia.
