Balcony Pelargoniums – Planting, Varieties and Other Hints

    Pelargoniums are beautiful. No wonder they are so popular - be that balconies, terraces or window sills. If you want them to bloom well, you need a right pot, proper amount of water and fertiliser as well as a good spot. Find out how to plant pelargoniums and take care of them.

    Balcony Pelargoniums – Planting, Varieties and Other Hints

    Planting pelargoniums

    My grandmother would always say that the best time to plant pelargoniums is just after the spring frost is gone. It is really important to pick the right pot. Pelargoniums need quite a lot of space and a lot of soil, so small pots won’t work. Once you pick up a pot, spread a draining layer on the bottom so that the holes removing the excess water don’t get clogged. Planting pelargoniums make sure they are at least 20 cm apart. During the first weeks the plants don’t need any extra fertilisation, of course as long as you planted them into soil that already contained some fertiliser. The soil dedicated for pelargoniums contains appropriate fertilising substances.

    Planting climbing pelargoniums – balcony pelargoniums

    Climbing pelargoniums are resistant to a variety of unfavourable weather conditions. That is why there are several countries where the plants feel really good. Pelargoniums need fertile and permeable soil. The best place for pelargoniums inside is the south-east or south-west part of the apartment. Remember to remove dry flowers. This is how you stimulate the growth of next buds. They will continue to grow until first autumn frost arrives. Pelargoniums need frequent watering. Although they are resistant to dry conditions, if not waterer properly they will dry soon.

    Pots for pelargoniums

    In fact it doesn’t really matter what kind of pot you choose. All that matters is whether the plants have enough space. When the pot is too small, transplant them into something bigger. Remember that no matter what kind of container you choose, the plant must have enough space and soil. Also, there must be holes to let out the excess of water.

    What to do to make pelargoniums bloom profusely?

    First of all let the plant create new flowers. How to do it? Watch your pelargoniums. The moment you see faded leaves or flowers, remove them immediately. Some varieties of pelargonium remove the dead parts themselves so that the new ones can appear. This, however, does not mean you don’t have to look after the plant and cut off dead parts once you see them.

    Pelargoniums suffer when overwatered. They plants are stimulated to grow in harder conditions. Excess of water, especially in early spring when the seedlings are small, is the most common mistake. Pelargonium doesn’t need much water. When you give the plant just as much water as it needs, and only when its soil goes dry, then its flowers will be a fantastic reward for your care.

    The mistake is often made by people who previously grew surfinia . Surfinia seedlings are huge as compared to pelargonium. Different structure of leaves and flowers calls for much more water than pelargoniums do.

    Pelargonium is known for its endurance to scorching sun.

    Fertilising pelargoniums

    Successful growing pelargoniums is not only about appropriate watering, but also fertilising. Just like you can overwater the plant, in much the same way you can go too far with the fertiliser. When the plant gets too much water, the roots begin to rot as they are deprived of air.

    When pelargonium has too much fertiliser, it grows, but it doesn’t bloom. So if you have pretty big seedlings but there are no flowers, it means the plant is doing well and it doesn’t need to bloom. Give it some time. Once it runs out of the fertiliser, it begins to be hungry.

    Pelargoniums in the winter

    Just before the first frost trim them to 15 cm. Move the plant to a bright place where it won’t be exposed to freezing temperatures. Ideally it should be between + 5 and +10 degrees C. Pelargonium doesn’t need much water in the winter. Regular watering is only necessary in warmer periods.
    Growing pelargonium is not difficult. If you have a balcony and would like some flowers there, you can easily choose these plants. Have you already got them on your balcony? Is there anything you want to share with us about it?