15 Architecture and Interior Design Trends That Not Everyone Likes

    Some modern trends in construction or interior design, do not arouse admiration. They are extremely misguided and impractical. Often make staying in your own home ceases to be comfortable.

    15 Architecture and Interior Design Trends That Not Everyone Likes

    #1 Lack of Handrails

    Stairs without handrails are just asking for someone to finally fall off them and hurt himself.


    #2 Window to Window

    Dense cabinetry and ill-considered designs. Unacceptable are windows that look directly into a neighbor's bedroom or shaded balconies that even touch the next building.


    #3 Deceiving Balconies

    Some French balconies  are actually just a railing and decoration.


    #4 Shelves Instead of Cabinets

    Many people replace kitchen cabinets with open shelves. Then a lot more dust, dirt and pet hair collects on the exposed appliances.


    #5 No Partitions

    Completely open floors with no separate rooms. It's so homey open space 😉 .


    #6 No Utility Room

    No storage space for brushes, vacuum cleaners or clothes dryer. You never know where to hide such unsightly items.


    #7 Bathroom with Bedroom

    The concept of an open bathroom connected to the bedroom is not a hit. A person who is in the sanitary area will never feel comfortable while performing hygienic activities.


    #8 Low Cabinets in Kitchen

    Kitchen cabinets that don't reach all the way to the ceiling. In the kitchen, every space is valuable, and the empty space above the cabinets is just asking to be used.


    #9 Exposed Garage

    A huge garage at the front of the house, which disfigures the entire facade and draws attention away from the entrance and door.


    #10 Narrow Kitchen

    Kitchen arranged in a narrow room. It's hard to move around in it, and no one will be able to walk through once the refrigerator is open.


    #11 All in White

    Fashion for furniture, accessories and walls in white or gray. Minimalism rules and it is rare to find items in intense colors.


    #12 Concrete Everywhere

    Concrete walls and decor elements. They are very uncomfortable and give the impression that the interior is unfinished.


    #13 Painted Bricks

    Bricks painted in different colors and covering nice wooden floors with carpets.


    #14 Unshaped Bathtub

    You can't get comfortable in a completely straight bathtub. Profiled tubs with one side more slanted are definitely better.

    #15 Glazed Shower Enclosures

    Fully glazed shower enclosures that look great, but are very difficult to keep clean.


    What do you think are these architectural solutions in homes?