20 Animals and Their Prehistoric Ancestors – A Spectacular Comparison of Their Size
8:05 PM EDT, August 29, 2021
Roman Uchytel is a Photoshop expert who uses one of his websites to compare the animals living today to their prehistoric ancestors. In some cases the size differences are gigantic.
Take a look at the collection of today's creatures and their predecessors!
#1 The great white shark and the megalodon
#2 The Komodo dragon and the megalania
#3 The African lion and the American lion
#4 The Asian elephant and the mammoth
#5 The wombat and the diprotodon
#6 The white rhinoceros and the woolly rhinoceros
#7 The white rhinoceros and the paraceratherium
#8 The sloth and its ancestor
#9 The cheetah and the great cheetah (though it's not as great as the name might suggest)
#10 The boar and the daeodon
#11 The American buffalo and the latifrons buffalo
#12 The dugong and its ancestor
#13 The giant armadillo and the glyptodon
#14 The indri and the extinct giant lemur
#15 The leopard and the saber-toothed tiger
#16 The common horse and the giant horse
#17 The capybara and its ancestor
#18 The spectacled bear and the arctodus (the short-faced bear)
#19 The Sumatran orangutan and its ancestor
#20 The Siberian tiger the Ngandong tiger
Which pair impressed you the most?