A Trick to Clear a Frosty Windscreen in a Blink of an Eye!

    An icy-windscreen – the winter nightmare of the drivers who start their working day early in the morning. Instead of setting off they first have to remove the frost. Luckily, there is an ABC-easy way to get rid of the problem.

    A Trick to Clear a Frosty Windscreen in a Blink of an Eye!


    Many drivers know the feeling when hurrying up to get to work on time they realize that the windscreen is so frozen that you can’t see a thing through it. It turns out, however, that you don't really have to struggle with it as hard as you think.


    All you need is a plain string bag made of some strong foil, pour some hot water inside and then just wipe the windscreen with it. The ice will come off in no time.

    You can see how it works in the short video here.

    Isn't easy? So say goodbye to tedious morning frost routines!

    Maybe you've got your own ways of dealing with such a situation?