A Girl Starts a Garden and Her Neighbor Pretends to Be the Fairy Who Lives in her Magical Tree

    A Girl Starts a Garden and Her Neighbor Pretends to Be the Fairy Who Lives in her Magical Tree

    11:21 AM EST, December 8, 2021, updated: 2:38 PM EST, December 9, 2021

    The period of forced quarantine is particularly badly endured by children. Isolated from their peers, they have to spend time in their own company and surrounded by their parents. One little girl decided to escape into the world of magic.



    During the pandemic period, a Los Angeles photographer (Kelly) was taking long walks in the evening. She couldn't sleep and had to think about many painful things. During one of her walks, she noticed a fairy garden arranged by one of the trees. It consisted of, among other things, pebbles, figurines and flowers. Above it hung a note saying that a 4-year-old girl felt lonely and wanted to offer some joy to the world.


    #The Birth of a Fairy

    This initiative grabbed Kelly's heart. She decided to pretend to be a fairy named Sapphire, who had just taken up residence in the tree because it was so beautifully decorated. The woman left the girl a note. The next day she found the answer. It turned out that the four-year-old's name was Eliana. Later, the fairy Sapphire gave Eliana some magic dice to play with, and left her parents a note with all her data and telephone number (so they wouldn't think that their daughter had a stalker).


    #No More Lonely Days

    Fairy and Eliana exchanged messages and small gifts for 9 months. This kept both of them from feeling lonely. Kelly even put on an elf costume and took some pictures so the 4-year-old could see what the fairy who lived in her garden looked like 😉 .


    #A Touching Meeting

    One day Kelly learned that Eliana's entire family was moving to a new home. Together with the girls' mom, they determined that the fairy should come out. She left a note in the garden saying that Sapphire needed to move to another tree. At the time of the move, each fairy grows for a day so that she can easily transport all of her belongings.


    #The Fairy That Grows

    Eventually Eliana finally met her fairy. The two talked for a long time by the tree. Of course about how the life of fairies is like 😉 In the end they decided to stay in touch all the time and write letters to each other.


    For Kelly, meeting Eliana was a watershed event. It helped her restore her faith in people and she became convinced that there are still kind people in the world.


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