Simple Trick How a Few Flower Bulbs Can Be Planted in One Pot. They Will Look Marvelous!
7:00 AM EDT, September 9, 2023, updated: 3:42 PM EDT, September 10, 2023
There are so many spring bulb flowers that we love so much. Tulips, hyacinths daffodils, crocuses... They bloom wonderfully but, let’s face it, it never lasts long. However, there is a way how you can prepare a blossoming flower composition lasting from March till May. Or even longer!
February – first snowdrops and winter aconites appear. Their flowers stay with us until the end of March
March – at the beginning of the month we can spot first tulips, crocuses and squills
April – this is when we enjoy hyacinths, irises, grape hyacinths and daffodils
May – blooming of snake's head
First bulb flowers in a pot
The first bulb flowers look wonderful in the spring! To make sure they bloom in the early spring, they have to be planted at the turn of September and October. If you didn't do it last year, why don’t you think about it next fall?
If you don’t have a garden and yet you would like to have these spring flowers, they can be potted. Of course they also need to be planted in the fall. Again, the flower compositions you will get in the spring will be so original.
In the winter the pots have to be kept in a garage or any other room without heating. Although the plants tolerate the cold, if grown in a pot they may not survive the frost.
Bulb flower arrangements
The bulbs can be planted on 3 – 4 levels. If we choose plants blooming in different months, we can enjoy a flowery design lasting until the end of June!
It's all about placing the bulbs on the right level in the pot. There are several options. Below you will find just a few suggestions.
These include:
The top layer: crocus
the middle layer: daffodil
the bottom layer: tulip
Another example, this time with four flowers
The top layer: crocus
The layer below: hyacinth
And below: tulip
the bottom layer: daffodil
A design of crocus, hyacinth and daffodil:
The top: crocus
The middle: hyacinth
The bottom: daffodil
And these are the final effects!
Do you prefer potted flowers or those growing in the gardens?