23 Cars That Will Definitely Catch Your Eye. There Is No Way They Will Go Unnoticed!
2:03 PM EST, December 3, 2023, updated: 5:29 PM EST, December 3, 2023
Yes, we all know it takes all sorts. But does this principle also apply to cars that you spot from a mile? If there is anything you can't deny about the vehicles below, it's certainly their uniqueness.
This collection contains a bunch of drivers who decided to use their cars to stand out from the crowd. Or a traffic jam.
#1 You might have a number of speculations about the lady owning this car. What if it's a man?
#2 Thank God fish don't speak!
#3 Funny as it is, I'd rather not use their services
#4 When your car gets all the attention that you are craving yourself
#5 Does it have to be trimmed?
#6 Hey girl, fancy a watermelon ride?'
#7 Would you take this bull by the horns?
#8 What if he is not a plumber?
#9 When your brand new car looks like a cheap hoover from 1990's
#10 Could you come up with any plausible explanation of the fluff?
#11 At least it's funny
#12 An 'F' for artistic skills
#13 Could anyone give it a caption?
#14 When you want your kids to love your car
#15 Maybe it's original but still...
#16 It's not blood. It's stickers. Yes, people can be that dumb
#17 The ultimate meeting of the modern and the traditional
#18 A rocket? A hoover? A camper van?
#19 He must love lobsters a lot
#20 At least one hippo is cute here
#21 The car is definitely worth its money
#22 Do you know which cartoon it was inspired by?
#23 When you are in your 20's and your dad has got too much cash
Which vehicle shocked you the most?