23 Funky Bird Nesting Boxes That Resemble Fairy Tale Houses
Hiding under the nickname Little Lodgings, Jay is an exceptionally talented woodworker. Jay, comes from the UK and creates stunning bird nesting boxes that look like little fairy houses. View his work and learn more about the birdhouses themselves.
4:48 PM EDT, March 23, 2021
#1 Nest Boxes Are Surrogate Nesting Sites for Birds
#2 Generally Speaking, Lot of Natural Nesting Habitats and Hollows Have Been Destroyed in Recent Years
#3 Therefore, the Boxes Help Species to Survive and Create Safe Places for Them to Breed
#4 Birdhouses Can Be Hung Year-Round, However…
#5 …Best Done in Fall, Winter, and Early Spring
#6 Boxes Are Best Hung from Trees, or in the Absence of Trees….
#7 …on Hedges, Buildings, Poles, or Bushes
#8 There Are Some Rules You Should Follow When Hanging a Box
#9 The Kennel Should Be Located in a Secluded Place and Rarely Visited by People
#10 The Entrance Should Preferably Face East
#11 The Shelter Should Be Protected from the Afternoon Sun
#12 It Should Also Not Be above the Treetops
#13 It Is Best to Hang It at a Height of about 13 Feet (Maximum 26 Feet)
#14 The Boxes Can Be Cleaned (Removing Old Nests) from 16 October to the End of February
#15 Exceptions Are the Winter Nests of Macaws (Field Sparrows), Which We Do Not Remove
#16 In Winter Birds like to Spend the Night in the Boxes (Woodpeckers, Grasshoppers, Nuthatches, Redshanks)
#17 It Is Best to Use Wood to Make Your Own Box, But…
#18 … Waterproof Plywood, Sawdust Concrete, or Hollowed-Out Tree Trunks Will Also Be Suitable
#19 However, You Should Not Use…
#20 …Metal, Plastic, Cardboard, Flower Pots, Fiberboard, Bottles, Canisters
#21 Depending on Size, Birds Need Holes in the Boxes of Different Sizes
#22 For the Redshank, the Thrush, the Sparrow, the Titmouse, the Titmouse and the Titmouse
… a hole with a diameter of 1 to 2 inches will be suitable
#23 Meanwhile, the Redshank, the Northern Shrike, the Jackdaw or the Blue Pigeon…
… you will need a hole with a diameter of about 3 inch
Isn't this a cool idea for bird nest? Would you get one for home?