20 Winter Photos to Make You Instantly Miss the Summer. Sometimes Snowfall Is Nothing but a Disaster

    20 Winter Photos to Make You Instantly Miss the Summer. Sometimes Snowfall Is Nothing but a Disaster

    5:15 PM EST, January 14, 2021

    So many have been looking forward to the first snowflakes. So many things can only be done in the winter. However, there are many who do not share this enthusiasm. For some of us winter is nothing but countless snowdrifts, unfavorable icy weather conditions and an avalanche of trouble. If you don’t miss the summer yet, the photos below will immediately make you change your mind.

    #1 Winter knows no mercy


    #2 In Sweden it can surprise you even in the summer


    #3 It must be really cold outside

    alowishis / imgur
    alowishis / imgur

    #4 When taking the garbage out becomes an expedition

    badwolf0313 / imgur
    badwolf0313 / imgur

    #5 Perhaps one of the strongest roofs in the world

    chantillylace9 / reddit
    chantillylace9 / reddit

    #6 Sometimes the price for forgetting your parking spot is really high

    BairdTom / Twitter
    BairdTom / Twitter

    #7 Road signs changing their skin

    QueenElizabethSendsHerRegards / imgur
    QueenElizabethSendsHerRegards / imgur

    #8 This means it’s time to switch to winter sports

    imeanthisguy / reddit
    imeanthisguy / reddit

    #9 Double protection

    Lawdoc1 / reddit
    Lawdoc1 / reddit

    #10 It’s really cold now

    ilovemytablet / reddit
    ilovemytablet / reddit

    #11 A perfect chair for the season

    cheebdog / reddit
    cheebdog / reddit

    #12 I have several questions here…

    glitchvdub / reddit
    glitchvdub / reddit

    #13 Sometimes rolling down the windows does not help

    purdypotato / reddit
    purdypotato / reddit

    #14 I guess it’s time to go home

    zackhample / reddit
    zackhample / reddit

    #15 Once it’s frozen, it’s doomed to stay there

    Charles_W_Morgan / reddit
    Charles_W_Morgan / reddit

    #16 It doesn’t look like the perfect place to relax

    Ikarus23 / imgur
    Ikarus23 / imgur

    #17 An ice castle

    annierau / reddit
    annierau / reddit

    #18 Snow storms know no mercy

    ban***oburrit0 / reddit
    ban***oburrit0 / reddit

    #19 A perfect moment to spot the weak spots of your house insulation

    littleamer24 / imgur
    littleamer24 / imgur

    #20 This weather is nothing but trouble

    okmax / reddit
    okmax / reddit
    See also