20 Situations When Interior Designers Got Carried Away
12:25 PM EST, November 24, 2023, updated: 5:35 PM EST, November 26, 2023
Renovation or redecoration is theoretically supposed to make our home a nicer place to live. We firmly believe that hardly anything can go wrong. Our hopes, however, are put to the test when we see some renovation fails. You may think it’s impossible… Well, I’m afraid you are wrong. All the pictures are real…
#1 So few notice the cooker under the window sill
#2 A peculiar entrance
#3 Why didn’t they fix it just a few inches to the left?
#4 I wouldn’t dare to use the toilet once the washing machine starts spinning
#5 The chamber behind this door shall remain a secret forever…
#6 You’d better hold your keys well here
#7 The toilet paper here is a bit far, isn’t it?
#8 A hot lamp versus bathroom door in a hotel room
#9 Perfect TV positioning
#10 Well, a mirror above a urinal is somewhat controversial
#11 The room is barely ten square meters. Someone doesn’t like cold winters here
#12 A few perfectionists lost their lives the moment they saw the picture
#13 How do you actually go downstairs here?
#14 Fridge as the central part of the kitchen. And I already thought it is an elevator…
#15 This is not a bed. It is a bath!
#16 Fixing a ceiling fan is never easy
#17 Now I can see myself doing the job in 500 different dimensions!
#18 Moldy hotel hall carpet?
#19 It’s hard but this is a photo taken from outside showing entrance door and… the toilet window
#20 Not only are these stairs upside down, but they also take you … nowhere?
Have you seen anything stranger than these?