20 People Who Resist the Christmas Fever and Take It All So Easy!
5:37 AM EST, December 15, 2022, updated: 10:37 AM EST, December 16, 2022
There are people who somehow manage to approach Christmas without all this tension and stress. They don’t know what shopping spree means, cooking or baking is fun and decorating the house is nothing but a pleasure. This is how you can enjoy every single moment in your life!
#1 A painter (and a mother of two daughters) fulfills herself baking and decorating cookies
#2 Why wouldn’t dogs want to be decorated?
#3 A campus version of Christmas tree
#4 Merry Christmas in the fish tank
#5 In Strasbourg (France) some buildings get decorated with teddy bears
#6 The cookies are so sweet that you wouldn’t dare to bite them
#7 Masters of street illumination
#8 A Christmas tree forest in the living room
#9 A Christmas tree made of green books only
#10 A place for the fans of hot chocolate
#11 Santa Claus family
#12 When Christmas tree becomes a Santa Claus
#13 There are some who can estimate the age of the Christmas tree by the amount of duct tape on the box
#14 Vegetarian Christmas
#15 Even dogs can smell the atmosphere
#16 This is what a gingerbread house should look like!
#17 A clinical approach
#18 Santa Muffins
#19 Taking a photo with your dog wearing a red cap is a challenge
#20 A countryside gingerbread house
BONUS IMAGE: Don’t forget the rules of social distancing!
Is there anything unusual you do at Christmas?