19 Strange Things That Make Kids Cry. They Are Not So Obvious…

    19 Strange Things That Make Kids Cry. They Are Not So Obvious…

    6:38 PM EDT, September 26, 2022, updated: 2:56 AM EDT, September 28, 2022

    There are lots of reasons why kids start crying. This is how they express their emotions or simply inform us about their needs. But there are cases when they hardly know themselves where their tears come from.

    I have chosen some of the most ridiculous reasons that make the youngest ones cry. You will soon realize they are real tragedies.

    #1 ‘We didn’t let him swim because it was too cold and he couldn’t… swim.’

    © rageagainsttheminivan/Instagram
    © rageagainsttheminivan/Instagram

    #2 ~‘Why are you crying?’ ~’Because the Golden Gate Bridge is not golden at all.’

    © rageagainsttheminivan/Instagram
    © rageagainsttheminivan/Instagram

    #3 She wanted some ravioli. I made her some ravioli. She doesn’t want it anymore

    © assholeparent_/Instagram
    © assholeparent_/Instagram

    #4 I didn’t let him bite our cat

    © jgeiger270/Instagram
    © jgeiger270/Instagram

    #5 ‘That’s my balloon! Daddy can’t touch it!’

    © _yiling_feng_/Instagram
    © _yiling_feng_/Instagram

    #6 I didn’t let her run onto the street

    © assholeparent_/Instagram
    © assholeparent_/Instagram

    #7 I didn’t allow him to eat cat food

    © assholeparent_/Instagram
    © assholeparent_/Instagram

    #8 The pink marker I gave her was not the pink marker she wanted

    © rageagainsttheminivan/Instagram
    © rageagainsttheminivan/Instagram

    #9 She’s crying because my shoes don’t fit her

    © rageagainsttheminivan/Instagram
    © rageagainsttheminivan/Instagram

    #10 He wanted to get on the bus. The one on TV

    © assholeparent_/Instagram
    © assholeparent_/Instagram

    #11 ‘Don’t take my sticker away from me!’

    © assholeparent_/Instagram
    © assholeparent_/Instagram

    #12 ‘I want to get inside the dishwasher. Why can’t I do it?!’

    © assholeparent_/Instagram
    © assholeparent_/Instagram

    #13 ‘The daffodils are gone. Make them come back!’

    © momlovesmickey/Instagram
    © momlovesmickey/Instagram

    #14 I killed a bug in our laundry. ‘You killed my bug. It was my friend!’

    © rageagainsttheminivan/Instagram
    © rageagainsttheminivan/Instagram

    #15 ~‘I want a yellow mug’ ~ ‘Here’s your yellow mug’. Somehow his life broke into pieces

    © rageagainsttheminivan/Instagram
    © rageagainsttheminivan/Instagram

    #16. She wanted a cake with a unicorn. We got her one. And now we’re horrible!

    © rageagainsttheminivan/Instagram
    © rageagainsttheminivan/Instagram

    #17 She wants to have more toes to polish

    © rageagainsttheminivan/Instagram
    © rageagainsttheminivan/Instagram

    #18 ‘Why didn’t you get me a razor? I want one!’

    © rageagainsttheminivan/Instagram
    © rageagainsttheminivan/Instagram

    #19 ‘Why can’t I wear my new sandals to walk on snow?’

    © assholeparent_/Instagram
    © assholeparent_/Instagram
    Do your children also cry for some weird reasons? Please share your experience.
    See also