15 Situations Where No Parent Knows Whether to Drop a Tear or Laugh at Loud

    15 Situations Where No Parent Knows Whether to Drop a Tear or Laugh at Loud

    3:48 PM EDT, April 8, 2021

    While there are many differences in child care, there are some situations where both moms and dads don't know whether to laugh or cry. After all, some children's ideas make you dizzy and you really don't know how to react. Perhaps only the classic "freeze face" can illustrate the right feeling of confused panic.

    Below you will see pictures of toddlers, who were able to evoke mixed feelings in their parents. In most cases, it involved extra work, which caused shock in the first moment, and then a smile on the face.

    #1 A Catwalk like This Can Make Your Head Break off


    #2 When the Daughter Thinks She's the One in the Picture At the Store. And the Son Becomes the Master Of the Background


    #3 That Moment When You Realize Your Son Is Feeding the Stuffed Toy Rather Than the Real Pet, Out the Door


    #4 Sometimes One Straw Is Not Enough


    #5 When You Thought a Pin Would Prevent Your Child From Playing With Your Ipod, But It Turns Out Your Toddler Has Blocked Your Access to It for over 45 Years!


    #6 Supposedly He Wasn't Sleepy….


    #7 When Your Son Makes a Big Mess and You Can Read "Let Me Explain" from His Face


    #8 Already a 6-Year-Old Girl Knows What It Means to Be a Multitasker


    #9 That Moment When You're Glad Your Son Washed His Hands, But You Can't Believe He Hung Onto the Door By Accident


    #10 This Is How Playing HiDe-and-Seek with Small Children Ends up


    #11 Toddlers Are Very Creative. They Can Draw a Pillow and Then Lie Down on It to Take a Nap


    #12 They Are Also Able to Find Other Places That Serve as Their Bed


    #13 When You Allow Your Child to Pick Out Their Own Clothes….


    #14 Doesn't She Look Like She Just Destroyed an Entire Sith Army!


    #15 Children in a Restaurant Can Sometimes Behave Strangely


    Certain situations involving children are almost inevitable. The question is, do you then feel like laughing or crying?

    See also