15 Photos Showing Years of Technological Advance. This Is How Our Lives Have Changed So Far…

    There are so many changes in our lives that we are not even aware of them. Following examples of developing technology resemble the time period of several years ago to modern, understanding how great this revolution of technological advance impacted our daily life.

    15 Photos Showing Years of Technological Advance. This Is How Our Lives Have Changed So Far…

    #15 Press


    The newspaper was a daily addition to all kinds of shoppers at the corner store. It was the primary source of current information and announcements! Today, the newspaper is becoming more than ever an internet thing and portraying celebrity gossips as well as world news.

    #14 Computers are Everywhere Nowadays


    The computer was created as a tool for work and learning. However, it was quickly found enthusiasts who started to program video games or develop the first web pages. Today, a computer is a device for both work and entertainment. Part of its capabilities were taken over by smartphones today.

    #13 Best of Chinese Electronics


    In the 1990s high-tech electronics exports became the most dynamic part of export growth. Between 1980 and 2000, electronics exports have grown by an average annual rate of 43 per cent.

    #12 Memorizing and Dialling Phone Numbers


    In the past, next to a landline, there was a wrap-around book called a telephone directoty. Today nobody even bothers to order one. If we need a number for someone, we usually find it on Facebook and write a message about it.

    #11 We Used To Keep Everything on CDs


    Piracy around the 1990s was imminent because very few people bothered about copy rights. Relating to computer software, fair use, and distribution. Therefore, copying all files was the norm, even in computer stores.

    #10 The Flip Phone Fashion


    Best fashion hits, a great example of the modern world and jealousy for the flipped phone. However, the marketing slogans didn't work very well and eventually, the classic "brick" model won the market in the end.

    #9 Ubiquitous Internet


    Until 30-40 years ago, it was unimaginable to create a global network that would connect the whole world. Today, it no longer surprises anyone that we can talk to the inhabitant of the other end of the world without any problem, and that the Internet network covers practically the whole world. Even in the total wilderness, thanks to satellites, we can browse through the Internet.

    #8 A Second Virtual Life


    We spend more and more time in the virtual world and we do not only talk on video but also play games. Social media, YouTube or websites with various topics. Even going to the toilet, we take a smartphone to "not get bored". Or maybe only then we meditate on the meaning of life?

    #7 Transmission is a Machine in a Power


    In the past, simple mechanic attention was usually more than enough to repair a car. Nowadays, cars have so much electronics or on-board computers that it is better not to touch them ourselves.

    #6 Films on VHS Cassettes


    The symbol of a real cinematographer and shelves bending over from black packaging containing rolled-up film. This is the moment when you had to rewind the whole cassette to watch the film after previous use. Probably not many people remember what the pencil and cassettes had in common.

    #5 Memorable Car Radios


    The radio in the car was so tempting and many thieves had broken in for those purpuses. Back then they were removable at front panel, with just a push of a button.

    #4 Multi-Combine of Devices Into One


    Microphone, dictaphone, camera or scanner. In the past they used to be separate devices, today we can find them all in practically every phone.

    #3 Old Cartoons


    The old cartoons had this "something" and dragged us in for hours. Hand-drawn and animated with interesting characters and unusual stories. Today's illustrations & animations for children are usually made by computers and do not have the same attraction as old productions.

    #2 TV Stand Back In Day


    Since the 90's a lot has changed in terms of guest room decoration. In the past, a square TV set was usually in a living room. VHS player, sometimes a console and then a TV set-top box. Today we focus on minimalism or on wall TV fitting.

    #1 Computer Privacy


    A single computer for the whole house was standard. Rarely could a family 30-20 years ago have afforded more than one devise at home. It is not surprising that it had to be shared. To our benefit that Windows quickly introduced the possibility of creating separate and private accounts on one computer. However, fights over computer access between siblings were extremely cruel back in the day as they are now. That never changed 🤪!