15 Life Hacks to Fall Back on Every Day

    All tricks and hacks are there for you to make your life easier. If you want to find out how to dry your clothes quickly, what to do make your shoes waterproof or how to give your phone speaker extra power, check out the ones below.

    15 Life Hacks to Fall Back on Every Day

    #1 Waterproof shoes


    If you want your shoes to be waterproof, all you need is bee wax and a hairdryer. Spread the wax on the shoes and then melt it with a stream of hot air from the hairdryer. And that’s it! You can also use WD40. Spray the shoes a few times and that will secure them against water.

    #2 Smelly shoes


    If your favourite shoes don’t smell good, put a few used tea bags inside – it will absorb the nasty smell. If your shoes are smelly and soaked, fill them with a mixture of rice and baking soda leaving that inside for a few days.

    #3 Too tight shoes


    When your shoes are too tight, you can expand them filling them with water-soaked newspapers. Wait until the shoes get dry and remove the paper. You can also try the hack with a string bag filled with water.

    #4 Dry your clothes faster


    If you don’t have a clothes dryer and you need your clothes dry as soon as possible, put them on a dry towel and roll it with the clothes inside. Then squeeze the towel as hard as you can so that it can absorb the water from the clothes. Then shake it off, iron it and hang so that it can get completely dry.

    #5 Find the little bits and pieces


    Use your hoover to find some small items, for example an earring screw back. Put a thin sock or pantyhose onto the extension wand and hoover the area where the piece most likely fell.

    #6 Remember to drink water!


    Hydration is really important all year long. Of course when it’s hot, it becomes critically important. If you frequently forget to have your sip of water, personalize the bottle – mark the time when you drank it last and write a motivating slogan!

    #7 Use Coca-Cola to clean the toilet


    Pour a can of Coke into the toilet and leave it there for the night. Then wash the toilet using water and a detergent, finally flush it.

    #8 Unclog the pipes


    Boil a lot of water and pour it into the strainer for a minute. Then pour a glass of baking soda. Next a glass of white vinegar. Finally flush the pipes with tap water and boiled water again.

    #9 Clean the shower handset


    To clean the shower handset or the tap, fill a foil bag with white vinegar and fix it onto the set or the tap, for example with a rubber band. Leave it there for the night. Next day take it off and clean dry. It will look new again!

    #10 Turning up your phone’s volume


    If you want your smartphone to be louder when you speak to someone or listen to music, but you don’t have another set of speakers, all you need to do is to put the phone in a glass or a bowl. It will be much louder!

    #11 Refresh your body


    Instead of a deodorant, you can use a lemon or an orange. Cut the fruit in two and rub it into your skin all over the body. The nasty smell of sweat will soon be gone.

    #12 Don’t lose your buttons anymore


    A transparent nail polish will strengthen the thread and the buttons won’t come off so easily.

    #13 Bad breath


    If you are out, you have forgotten to brush your teeth and mint chewing gum is not your thing, buy an apple. Chewing this fruit will refresh your breath.

    #14 Opening the SIM card slot


    Smartphones these days come with a special accessory to open the SIM card slot. However, if you happen to have lost it or you’re not at home, a paper clip, a needle or a toothpick will do, too.

    #15 Opening a jar


    You must have come across a jar that simply wouldn’t twist open. I have got the best way to handle this: pour some hot water over the lid in the sink for a minute or at least a half. Then dry the jar and open it. You can use boiling water, but the glass might crack or break, so you’d better be careful!